Sunday, December 9, 2012


"I ain't living like I should.
A little rest might do me good.
Got to sinking in the place where I once stood.
Now I ain't living like I should."

Danko/Manuel, Jason Isbell
This is really good:

It's better for me." "Do I see myself here in three years ? If the answer is no, why wait ?

Or, I am just fucking done. See ya.

15:15 x 80 7 then 8 rep pace, 16kg.

Good ct throw down.

Monday trial prep, no exercise
Tuesday, trial, no exercise
Wednesday, gotta run home and feed. No exercise
Three days off but crappy sleep and stress; no relaxation, no real recuperation just a noxious cortisol infused swamp.

Ok, enough. To gym for:

100 alternating single arm swing warm up
1-3+1-3 28kg press lasses
5 twin 28 kg from squats
20 28kg renegade rows
30 24kg snatches
1 28kg tgu
x4. Slogging through wet cement.

30:30 24kg swings 20 reps
90 minute Pradeep class. Awesome is overused but it really was.

Run around with Brigid, feel good doing it.

Sunday.  CT fun.

 I don't remember but I am sure it was great.

Yoga was involved; big stretch

Work.  Then with @510kettlebeller and @twiddlebells for Lyon St. Steps.  4x, alternate 20 and 24, then twice more at top.

Thursday, T-Day.  1-10-1 long cycle burpee push-up ladder.  Go.  Possibly the beat turkey I have ever eaten.  Brandy fig glaze, yes, my 16 year old conceived of and executed that, wow.

Easy 2500 meters and some wall sits.  Be good to yourself old man.

Shit ton of swing and press work.

 15/15 7 rep pace x 40 with the 20kg

Go in and deliver the news.  Grim walk around the office; yes I am leaving.  Moving on.  Have to.  Oddest day ever.

More weirdness sending release letters out.  Bunches of them.  What have I started ?
CT kickass workout in PM.  Better.

Weirdness continues.  No hairy eyeball yet, they are still in shock.

Up to CT to throw it down hard.  15/15 x 80.  7 rep pace, her tripped out, me killing it.

Does not get any stranger than this.  Weirder and weirder as afternoon wears on.  Old guys pretty pissed.  I've walked out with more than a dozen clients, and they are now realizing what they should have seen two years ago.  See ya ostrich.  To Pradeep and the mat.  Cause it'll make me better.

Glitches all around.  Brigid sums it up nicely:  "They're really rolling out the welcome wagon for you huh Dad ?"  As I sit with my boxes in an unfamiliar hallway trying to get into the office I've arranged.
Could be bad but get in and BG helps me and Brigid move stuff.  The van is unloaded in six trips.  Office is a fucking mess.
Night, new firm Christmas party at Left Bank.  Everyone amused.  Goes well but drank too much.

Back in to set up computer, unload.  See what's what.  Need help.  Do not freak out.

By 10:30 functioning again. Email intact, not missing a beat.  Work streaming in.  It is as I had hoped/sold.  They don't care about the number or address, as long as you are on the other end.  Phew.  Hit it Monday night hard.

At the mothership in SR.  Seamless work flow, busy all day.  No exercise.

Same as above.  Except old firm freaking out about subs and tomorrow's court appearance, trashing me.  Fuck you, grow up.  No, you are not.

Effective five minutes and motion is resolved.  Rest of day is first full, killing it.  New client meeting, other impending shit storms, setting up 2013.  Happier and happier.  Hit gym hard, 24kg press ladders x 5 and stuff in between.  Barbacco after, then go pick up Ian.  Better.  New normal.

Shut out of pot conference with LDC.  Pretty good day.  MH at noon.  Productive afternoon.  Drinks with former judge and pot lawyers at the Clift.  LDC lovely and uber-competent. 

Shop, vacuum, snatches, 15/15 7 rep pace x 80.  Boom.

Back to office.  They like me and so have made space.  Move boxes out, get chairs in, work for two hours.  Get the feel.  In gym for effective barbell and dumbell session, then 10k meters on rowing machine watching 49er's beat Dolphins.  Nervous system fried, this has been a month not to be forgotten.  Would not have it any other way.

Change is good.  As for all those freaking out:  that you did not see it coming is very instructive.