Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love The Dog

"I like gettin' old."
Patti Smith
7:20 boat after client meeting and gym blowout.  Patti Smith on City Arts & Lectures.  Stupid Interviewer:  "Is it relevant that Mapplethorpe was on acid [the night they first spent time together] ?"
Smith, quizzical: "it's relevant if you want it to be."  Just shut up and let her talk.
Sunday, three miles in the marsh with Ian and Rose, him chattering, sullen teenager gone.
Work in afternoon then into sf for CT group flogging.  15/15 half burpees for eight minutes to start.  Fast paced class and smoked at the end.  Last set she calls 20-30 swings, nearly lose the handle due to sweat on the 24kg, and stop at 25.
Monday, five miles, greasing the groove and 15 minutes of good TRX core work.
Today, three miles, then
20 push-ups, feet on box, hands on bosu, flat side up, one foot up and switch
5+5 singles leg squats
3+2 unassisted neutral grip pull-ups.  First three ok, second two suck
feet together rock bottom hold, 16kg
10 16kg walking alternating press
5+5 windmills
1+1 24kgTGU
10 32kg swings, 10 24kg swings
8+8 16kg press, kneeling on 65cm swiss ball
10+10 windmills
1+1 24kgTGU
10 32kg swings, 10 24kg swings
10 32kg swings, 10 24kg swings
Quickly slam 20gm whey and wait for the buzz.
On boat, they had jw red, order, "just a little ice", new gal pours a huge one.  Talk about buzz.
Home, lie on bedroom floor.  Rose tries to do a headstand on my chest, leaning into me grunting, she wants ball play, after a bit she gives up, lies on my left arm leaving hand free for chest rub and rolls her lab rump into the face.  Spitting lab hair, such a good dog.
Gettin' old is ok too; gonna happen, may as well enjoy it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Plot Device

"There's no such thing as a small part.  There are just small actors."
Sidney Lumet

Ian as Book in the upcoming production.  They used his scene at the showcase.  Perfect clear, deep voice ringing out over the audience.    Kid can deliver a line; asked him about his character.  "It is not a character; it is a plot device."  There is nothing small about him.

Wednesday, three miles am.
Evening, end day at the top of the Lyon Street steps:
20 pushups, one foot up and switch
5+5 single leg squats
5+5 20kg press from lunge
rock bottom,  hold, 16kg
up ten count
20 24kg swings, 10 20kg swings
1+1 24kg TGU
Nice spot.
Thursday, three miles am, no mas.
Long day, force it to the park by 6:50.
10 TRX crunch to push up, 5+5 one foot up, push ups
5+5 single leg squats
5+5 16kg BUP clean to press, shaky left
16kg rock bottom hold, up ten count
5+5x3 16 kg snatches
x5, TRX between each
30 20kg swings, TRX
Done at 8:00.
90 minute flow class.  Really good except one legged stuff, Dancers pose.  Riigghhhtt.
MH has Sounds of Silence on the yoga track, "anyone old enough to remember this tune ?"  Fuck you, buddy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken; the choosing was not. You have to move on."
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim's birthday, 3/22. Same as AB.  Say it again, genius.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYxWXPKU7jY 
Gotta be passionate, the only way it works.  Look at him while the gal playing Amy is going off on those wonderful lyrics; both of them, pure joy.
Yeah, your gig may sometimes be stupid, but you picked it.  So do it.  Push, always.  Get over the inanity and stupidty of  people, just because they should know better doesn't mean they do.  Just fucking do it and if you can't make them get it then grind.
Badass raptor, pretty sure an immature Coopers but weak on  phases, could be Red-Shouldered. Incredibly cooperative while I stood below the light standard on the side of the road, adjacent to the Marsh and in back of Costco while Rose ate the pork chops just purchased since I just HAD to jump out of the car and shoot this bird and left all unattended.
"Oh, these weren't for me ?"

Monday, three miles in the am.  Then greasing the groove.
PM, like this:
15 decline pushups. 1 foot up then other, circuit 1, bosu flat side up 2/3.  These were really easy, should have done 20's.
5+5 single leg squats to low box, just more greasing the groove down.
5+5 24kg c&p, 3+3 32kg push press
Rock bottom 16kg hold, feet together, 10 sec, up, 10 sec

5+5x2 16kg snatches
10 32kg swings x6
10+10 16kg windmills, in front, 10 TRX rows in back, first 3
10 dolphin to dolphin push-ups in front, 10 TRX bicep curls in back, second 3
Cut it short cause thought more swings today.

Three miles in am, more greasing the groove.
5 bails by 2, so pm 60 min yoga.
Hard tomorrow.  Finish this.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


"Tension, tension, tension is all that I know . . . "
Todd Snider, Tension
At this show, with Barry and Brigid; Todd looked like shit and it was worrying.  He was spaced to the gills, surrounded by his wife's paintings not giving enough comfort on the road.

Random disconnect: I don't like Uni unless its really really fresh.  When its fresh though it is like the ocean exploding in your mouth, salt water and sweet.  Being on the ocean next to a big bait ball with sea lions barking and birds screaming with humpbacks coming up in the middle of it all and blowing whale snot everywhere is similar.  Salt water sensory overload.  Nice place to be.

Four miles, TRX work, nothing in PM.
Ten TRX crunch to push-ups, then 5+5 one foot up.
10+10 bulgarian split squats
5+5 24kg clean to press, 3+3 32kg push press
12+12 step back lunges with 12lb medicine ball

10 24 kg swings to ten 32kg swings to 5+5 16kg snatches
1+1 24kg TGU
x 10.  Not much rest.  Rest of day buzzing.
PM yoga class.

three miles am.
PM, TRX workout while 5 swings bells in the park.  Buggy but nice.
Noon Yoga.
4:30, CT session.  In the park, beautiful late afternoon.  JM weirdness but quickly forgotten.
Pistols all about tension and CT feeds me a bunch of drills and I am gonna have to bag this idea or be clodlike for a bit here.  Opting for latter.  Odd characters in park.  Enjoyable salad and lemonade with CT.
Into SF for new client meeting, to gym before:
5 dive bomber push-ups
5+5 single leg squats to low box with pad; used to do these a lot, back to it.
leg/chest raise on pull up bar, easier than jungle gym the day before
Rock bottom feet together squats with 16 kg in front, hold tight for ten, the halfway up for five.  Major tension.  Big sweat.
20 24kg swings
1+1 oly bar snatch, windmill, TGU
x 10.
Light on the swings in anticipation of CT fest Sunday.
Dog walk with Ian.
Take him down for D & D, explicit instructions on calling me before 3:30.
Pain in the ass teenager, he goes silent on me, 5 bails and I gotta bail on CT and wait on Ian, who calls at 5:15 ready to be picked up.  Asshole.
Only kid not pissed at is Barry.
Who is a big Todd fan.
Ballad of the Kingsman, HSB, 2009.  We are in blue placard section, just off stage right.  Todd looked much better.
Better.  A little.

Monday, March 15, 2010


“While American democracy is imperfect, few outside the majority of this court would have thought its flaws included a dearth of corporate money in politics.”
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. ___ (2010), Justice Stevens, dissenting.

Retire.  Go ahead; it is safe now, and will not be for long.  If there is a living being on this planet that deserves it, it is you.  Good article, here.  http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/03/22/100322fa_fact_toobin

DST on March 15 sucks.  Just getting used to a few slivers of light to assist in rousting the surly teenaged son, and then plunged once again into darkness.  Hurt me.  Above, Bean Hollow.  2003. October 26, last day of DST, low tide and stunning.  49ers sucked that year too.  You were fat.

Wanted to do kbell workout, but hammered.  Instead, 50 full minutes of TRX work in the am.  PM, stiff guy, hamstrings.  5 comes over,  I am slow so he is too.  First circuit:
10+10 20kg floor press to 10 pushups
10 20 kg goblet squats
10+10 28kg rows
10 20kg bootstrap squats
Second circuit just fooling around, until we start trading 10's with the 32.  We are up to 100 before we know it and drag ass becomes semi-respectable.

Wednesday.  Five miles in am, then 5:15 MH class.  Next to the model beauty; 6' angel with a very strong practice;  she is really good and favors me with a quick smile at the end cause we are egging each other on the one foot stuff; she crushed me on the left side and it would have been worse had MH not been easy on us.  But I can hang with her on side plank and most everything else and good neighbors are nice to have.

Thursday.  Five miles in am and then JB class.  Also egging me on in dolphin to plank, then plank to airplane and back up:  "How many can you do."  That ?  All day; rest of class sucking wind, but the 4:30 folks just starting the journey.
Evening with 5
20 pushups
10+10 16kg press, kneeling shoulders over hips on swiss ball
10 20kg goblet squats
8+8 16kg single deads
then to swings, after 60 5 is complaining of heart palpitations and we shut it down.

Friday.  That was three yoga classes and a fair amount of cardio.  Wanted bells late, not happening.

Saturday. Walk the dogs with 5.  Then to park for outside session; fat guy drinking beer chortles: "cool, kettbells."  Ya' bro, you are fat, been there, you got time, don't waste it.  So:
5 dive bomber push-ups, Sgt. Ken style.  These are a fucking bitch.  http://www.youtube.com/startfitness#p/a/u/2/ttk8RdiIHzA; the down is ok, the back is deadly.  Guy is a beast and done slowly, 5 is max.
10 24 kg goblet squats 
3 + 3 20 kg, 5+5 24 kg clean to press
15+15 bw step back lunges
20 24kg swings, 5+5 20 kg snatches
1+1 24kg TGU
5+5x2 20kg snatches, 10 24kg swings
1+1 24 kg TGU
150 swings, 150 snatches, and 10 TGUs per side, mmm good.
Into sf for ct flogging and she did not disappoint.
sharp, quick 115 20kg swings.
embarrassing pistol prep, large quantities of work needed here.
lunges, ok.
TGU/windmill stuff, good and focused.
Ten minutes alternating sides, viking push press with 16kg, piece o' cake.
Five minutes of swings, 20 kg, lost count but probably 167.
Smoked and pumped at the end.  Yee hah.  5 crippled.
Poor round of wii golf for Pat's b-day.
Today, three miles in the am, 15 minutes in yoga studio with blocks working on pistol progressions.  Expecting to get back for more; but no.
5:55 ferry after 4:30 catch up calls.  Alternating email streams.  Not brilliant, but practical.
Home, Rose gets 25 minutes ball play due to dst and Brigid making dinner.  Will get used to this.

Outside is best; gonna get really good as light gets longer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

:-( :-)

"I'd like to tell you, how I feel.  But I'll probably keep it, 'till Saturday."
Sparklehorse, Saturday

Or Sunday, or whatever tomorrow is.  RIP Mark.
Too fucking morbid.  Ya' keep picking up who has died lately for subject matter you end up spinning around and dizzy in graveyards.  But what a voice.  Besides, Buffy was great.

Email to client today:  "When you start the call with 'hey cutie' and end it with 'thanks sweetie' you fuck up the bad litigator mojo.  Just sayin . . ."

Three miles in the marsh with the constant companion.  Head to the park with B for the real workout late but he heads to the swings.  Always otherworldly pushing your 18 (soon to be 19) year old on the swings on the playground, but otherworldly is often joyful.
Head to the gazebo, late and abbreviated session like this:
15 TRX "atomic pushups"
10+10 step back lunges, 20kg in rack
5+5 x2 20 kg press from lunge
10 24kg goblet squats
Cut short to catch Sons with 5 and Ian at McNears Mystic.  They miss Mic Gillette.
Three miles in marsh with Ian and Rose.  Have to blow off CT to save 60 miles of driving which sucks.  Big time.
Head back to the park and gazebo, goes like this
30 TRX mountain climbers
20 push ups
10+10 TRX Bulgarian split squats
5+5x2 24kg press
10 20kg bootstrap squats
30 24kg swings x 10
1-5, 24kg TGU 1+1x2
6-8, 10+10 20kg windmills
blow through last 60, TRX rows and 5+5 Y to W
5 miles,
back in the pm for 20 minutes of focussed ab work, no bullshit screwing around on TRX
TRX 4 sets, plank, mountain climbers, crunches, pike
45 sec
30+30 sec side plank each time.
Gotta make it it count, every time, even if only 20 min.

You are worth hundreds of sparrows.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Screaming Genius

"You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last.
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast.
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun."
Bob Dylan, It's All Over Now Baby Blue

Barry Hannah died on Monday.  What a voice.  The guy wrote and spoke in pictures; in perfect cinematic paragraphs.  Quotes from The Oxford American 2001 interview: "He [William Faulkner] liked really long sentences. I like to examine the staccatos—the telegraphed, quick, hard images."  http://www.oxfordamerican.org/articles/2010/mar/02/barry-hannah-19422010/ 
Who talks like that ? 
No one earthly.
Came in last night to Broadway Barry.  Himself, going off on Sweeney.  Which leads me to Company, and Barcelona.  Focus on the lyric and timing, instead of the irony of Richard Chamberlain in bed with a young and very hot  Bernadette Peters.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnDyF4ioml0
Can't stop there with Sondheim.  Gotta go to Desiree.  There are some who can't stand it; even he seems a bit embarrassed by it.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWC5qfVnsVs 
"I wrote it in two days." he says, apologetically.  "Isn't it rich.  Isn't it queer.  Losing my timing this late, in my career."  Add those lyrics and music with Judy Dench, and I am riding on public transport trying not to cry.  Fucking genius.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEQrZzjXbnE 

So there is Barry, Hannah and Sondheim on parallel tracks heading into trial call with the Honorable GH in the Fremont branch of Alameda County Superior court this am.  Picked up by client at 7, deposits me in front of the courthouse so he can go walk his dog before trial.  Standing in a long line of other petty thieves to get past metal detectors.  Them discussing the relative merits and anatomy of whatever public defender has been assigned this time to their file.  Me looking for escape.
Get in, Plaintiff who has vigorously prosecuted his half million dollar claim to date is not there.  Fifteen minutes go by, GH takes the bench:  "Have you talked to him", "No your honor, notwithstanding my best efforts, and recently his voicemail has been full"  "What do you want to do counsel ?"  "Move for dismissal"  GH: gives it a beat, then "We give him ten minutes."  My client, not understanding, says, whats up.  "You're about to get a gift."  I head into the head, bang the door closed, and plot.  Neither Sondheim nor Hannah are going away, humming just below the surface.
Back in at 8:59, GH takes bench at 9:01,  looks at me and smiles, "I am punctual"  "Actually your honor, you are a minute late."  He drives a stake through the plaintiff's  heart, I turn around from the counsel table and say to the client, "you're done."  Judge leaves the bench smiling slightly.  Client, under a cloud for five years says "Did you know that would happen."  "Hoped, but wasn't going to tell you, the law moves slowly, until it moves decisively, then it moves fast."  "That's a good line."  "Not the first time I've used it."
He is so appreciative, thinks I am a genius.  I am not.  At best, after 20 years sometimes I know when to talk, and when to shut up.  Nothing more.
Hannah, genius.  Sondheim, brilliant.  Dylan, astonishing.  Rest of us, standing in awe.

Tuesday, four miles, no mas.
5+5+5+5 push-ups ro 24kg renegade rows
10 bodyweight squats+2 16kg squats, to 10+10 alternating press
45 second mtn climbers
10+10 16kg tactical lunges
30x10 24kg swings
1-5, 1+1x2 24kg TGU
6-8 10+10 TRX Y to W
9-10, blow through last 60.  TRX stretch.
4 miles, 
60 min yoga
Bail after 11:30, in for MH 12:00 yoga
Later, marsh walk at dusk.
About a thousand swallows.
Kites hunting and Harriers cleaning up.
Two incongruous swans.
Really happy dog.

Maybe next year.


Monday, March 1, 2010


"Everybody sees you're blown apart"
Paul Simon, Graceland
I don't know if there is a god, but I am sure there are angels.
Talkin' 'bout the triceps, I think.  Am still seriously pissed off at SeaWorld, but that will be the subject of an fb photographic rebuttal.  Emailed Heidi, gas on a fire.
Saturday, three mile marsh walk.  Joking about getting it in before tsunami hits. Thanks to the rain and full moon, a very high tide.  The bird life now is stunning; Snowy Egrets are common but
this was the largest I have ever seen.  Later take Ian into the City, gym, planning on TRX cause lotsa Kbells this week and CT fest:
15 crunch to push-ups, or "atomic push-ups" as TRX marketing would say
10+10 sprinters starts
10+10 one hand oblique cross-overs
10+10 oblique crunch, knees to opposite elbows
30 x 8 sets of 24 kg swings, could not stay away from bells
in between
1/4, 10 TRX rows
10 each Y to W
5/6 10+10 woodchoppers
7/8 , TRX oblique dips
9/10, 40 swings, 30 seconds rest, then 20.
Marshwalk, then into SF for CT fest
Made the mistake of thinking this would be ok after Saturday.  Wrong, three sets of twenty swings, tension and some get-up work, then 20x10 snatches or swings mixed up with mobility, which is all fine, burpees at the end, palpable groans.  Snatches were great but losing the handle due to sweat and bad visuals of bell flying and hitting classmates before smashing Jill's wooden floor, go to swings. 3x16, 6x20, 1x 24.  Shoulda picked up 24 a bit earlier.
Class crowded and CT happy; that is good.  City is gorgeous and Ian back in his element.
Today, two hours this morning looking for wallet and keys which killed am; pm five miles elliptical, TRX stretches.
That's all she wrote, triceps smoked.