Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking


 "Write it down; make it so."
Dan John/Jean LucPicard

A buddy of mine asked the other day if I was done with this blog and I think the answer is no.  Been tracking all workouts on fitocracy (dbt1959) so that purpose is being met elsewhere.  Have been feeling thick but am going to feel skinny tomorrow after 628 snatches in 40 minutes later this afternoon.  Write it down; make it so.  The Dan John/Jean Luc Picard mash-up.  That ended up going very well although ripped a callous on left, long time since that happened.
A therapist suggested several years ago that in many instances we can't control what happens to us but we can invariably control how we react. This true and wish I'd figured it out years ago.
The thing I like a about the music and fitness worlds on social media is that both are overwhelmingly positive. Two of my favorite examples are the enormously talented Jon Batiste and the enormously energetic Caroline Jordan. Both are in their mid twenties, clearly love what they do and are very very generous with their considerable skills.

I got turned onto Jon about three years ago when Brigid and I went to Yoshi's to hear the Roy Hargrove quintet. They closed with Soulful with Jon just teasing out the opening and closing vamp so softly and melodically it was breathtaking: for my money he stole the show. So when I started following him on social media, and seeing him and the Stay Human band performing on the subways and streets of New York and many other urban settings I was enthralled.  This young man has it going on.  Overwhelming positive and generous to the point where he takes his art to the street not to entertain but to feed off the people feeding off his art. The photo below says it all:

My buddy Caroline is of the same spirit. A tiny dynamo who may be 100 pounds soaking wet has an enormous(ly) positive outlook that she shoots straight from the heart like a fire hose.  She is a favorite presence at my gym though I have never taken one of her classes.  She will however yell out to me across a crowded gym floor and I am pretty sure I am the only one who has shouted "feeling groovy Caroline" across the tricked out confines of 301 Pine though it ought to happen more often.  She is the first to be leading a benefit and global businesses have quickly made her their local ambassador.  She is unrelenting positive, unconcerned by image or pretense and that is a very very good thing to see in one so young.  She sent me this TED talk by local yogi Stephanie Snyder.  Those cracks are gateways, she is correct.  If each presents an opportunity then the world is wide open:

It's never too late to start and whatever burdens, baggage and shit storms the world has tossed your way are you have brought about are no excuse.  Some folks get more than their fair share.  Too bad, choose wisely, and it'll get better.  I love waking up to my sm feed. On the west coast by the time I am clutching my coffee others have been up and at it for three hours so I get the benefit of others' passion, and positive energy.  Take it.  Make your own.

It is not easy.  Turning 54 in three weeks and the all important physical piece requires planning and need to plan better.  Less pressing, more yoga.  Heavy long cycle is fun but twin 24's are no joke.  Like to start oly lifting but not sure that's a good idea in middle age.  Fact I'm pretty sure its not.    Focus on breathing better.  Slow down.  Work on thoracic mobility, not shoulders.  Big enough.  Except that I am 9 reps away on both sides from nailing ROP with the 28kg and yeah I am getting big but so what.  Think about what is going to serve you, and not that fucking ego that says I need to be an old badass mo in the gym.  You are an old badass mofo.  Now move the fuck on.

What I have learned through the Power is that there is nothing that cannot be changed.  Health ? Check.  Work situation ?  Check.  What next old man, there is much on the list.

Approached recently by very prestigious law firm looking to move back into SF.  Do the interviews, we each like what we see and it has been an ego boost.  But is it me ?  I have to say I think not.  I want less clutter, not more.  I make enough, work hard enough.  Do I need at this point to level it up again in the career ?  Not if its doing the same thing I do now.  Another very good client has mentioned moving in house twice recently.  That would be a change worth making; a total stretch in a new direction, my heart could take me there easily, as opposed to ego.

Regardless, that both opportunities present themselves I'll choose to mark down as a product of positive thinking.  Here's hoping that does not reveal itself to be delusional.  But I think not.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ya' Rock So, Ya' Rock So . . .

 "You're gonna lively up yourself cause I said so"
Bob Marley

It was cold wet and rainy in December and and social media made me ball like a baby. Left to my own devices I am a sap. While You Were Sleeping still really gets to me. It is, at bottom, a holiday film. As is Die Hard.

When something unspeakably awful happens and the social media landscape explodes I just going hollow.

That was Sandy Hook.

Made it through holidays though not without stunning dysfunction. New schedule/new firm brings regular morning disconnect, getting up wondering what I've wrought. Phone keeps ringing and emails keep coming the ebb and flow of commerce unabated. Appears that worked. Listen to yourself, have you not learned that by now ?

Staying fit but has required adjustment. First and foremost, must dial back alcohol consumption. That ain't helping no one, quite to the contrary. Yoga practice has suffered. Fix this. Training has evolved to include a couple of 20 minute double (24kg) sessions with 1:1 work/rest ratio.  All logged on fito @dbt1959 if the three people who read this give a shit.
Doubles on the minute, it is amazing how much one can sweat in 20 minutes. Double 24's are no joke, that's 106 you are throwing around there . . . I am getting large.  March 1, double 32kg clean and press just to make sure I can still do it.  I can.

Listening to a shit ton of Ryan Adams.  This one is good.


Crazy like a rocket when you're coming through my radio.

Super Bowl but no parade. Day of was 49er inspired group session. Both older and larger by a wide margin. Frequently throwing twice the weight of anyone, ct gently chiding me to keep right foot from wandering.  At the top of the Lyon St. steps on a gorgeous day cleaning and cleaning and squatting twin 24's.  Boom.

Slowing mid-feb . Build the roll back.

3/2 now and roll built back.  Outstanding work coming in that'll keep folks (primarily me) very busy for next few months while long-term projects take shape.  A new focus on marketing (i.e. eating and drinking with people) is paying off.  No regrets.  People at old firm behaving like idiots.  I was a good soldier and was prepared to maintain all relationships, but not interested in maintaining relationships after being thrown under the bus by small people.  Rear view and no real need to check it.

Yoga is down to twice a week and kbell thrashings 3-4x per week often in the back yard, in the dark.  No meaningful weight gain and feeling very very strong.

Brigid "came out" 2/13.  Utterly unsurprising and not a big deal for me, but a very big deal for her.  Lighter, tight with her brother.

Go Bob.

Go me.