Sunday, September 27, 2009

Musings - Stargazing

"Have you seen the stars tonight, would you like to go up on the deck and look at them with me?"
Have You Seen The Stars Tonight, Paul Kantner

Writing it was no help; grinding all day Friday, left court at 5:00, calls coming in at 5:15 from those who had felt neglected for the last week killed all hope of a pm workout.  Instead, 45 minutes on the phone in the Laurel Village parking lot before racing home to Brigid's breakfast for dinner feast.

Resolved to take Saturday off; went in for drenching 90 minute flow class, double pump on all vinyasa, felt wrung out but strong, but some of the progressions just sucked, particularly dancer to half moon and back.

Filled with good intentions to circuit train for the first time in eight days and to walk Rose in the marsh; heat sucked that out of me.  Too hot, napped instead.  Late bbq, dark by the time we ate outside, adjourning to the lawn to stargaze with Brigid until the sprinklers came on at 10:15, heaven.

Sunday, worked for four hours preparing close.  Not going to deny Rose, left for three mile marsh walk in the heat of the afternoon at 3:00, very happy dog, eating bobcat shit running away from me; it was all great fun.

Back home by 4:15; knew I could not be done but had no energy with the heat.  Watched ETK and headed out for circuit training at 6:00, went like this:

1st Circuit
15 slow deep pushups, feet on 12" block, one foot up eitght, switch and seven
15 front squats, 20 kg
12 rows l/r, 28kg
10 step back lunges, l/r, 20kg in rack

2nd Circuit
10 windmills, l/r, 16 kg
30 swings, 50 seconds, 22kg
TGU, 2l/r, 28 kg, 2l/r, 22kg
20 figure 8 to hold, 16 kg

That took an hour with a short break to start bbq.  Brutal, first circuit training in 9 days and felt strong on nothing but swings and windmills.  TGU's surprisingly tough.  Glad I did it.  More tuesday; am too old to take that much time away without adverse consequence.  Good dinner and conversation with the two younger teenagers, they are so themselves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Musings -Dead Week

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers,"
William Shakespeare

Lost week due to trial.  Started out with a resolution not to spend pre-trial mornings drinking coffee and reviewing stuff I have reviewed six times before and instead get to the gym early.  No dice.  Three mile walks with Rose Saturday and Sunday, trial call Monday; three miles in the morning, got a court assignment, told us we would start Tuesday.  Got a yoga class in Monday p.m..  Two miles Tuesday morning, nothing in the p.m.; working pretty much straight through Rose has been getting ball play in evening, nothing Wednesday/Thursday but work.

Want to go tomorrow night for circuit training after court adjourns at 5:00, and then yoga Saturday.  Maybe writing it here will help make it so.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Musings - Roadkill

"A peanut sat on a railroad track, his heart was all aflutter, the 5:15 came down the line and, toot toot, peanut butter."

Roadkill too tonight.  Grind of of a day; feel like a "bronchial event" is coming on, felt good this morning, but thought I might feel crappy toward the end of the day but was ok.  Got finished with work stuff by 6:30, started workout around 6:50, went like this:

First Circuit
pushups to renegade rows, l/r row after each push up, 12 with 55lb dumbells
30 body weight box squats
one arm press, 16kg, standing on one foot, 10x l/r
20 tactical lunges, 16kg

Second Circuit
8,12,16,24 uphill swings, 10 each, back down, 80 total
60 snatches, 16kg 10l/10r x3
TGUS, 2 32kg l/r, 2 24kg, l/r
10 reverse push ups hanging off the Smith machine, feet on 12 inch box.

16kg  presses are pretty light but shoulders have been feeling crappy, not tonight, resisted the temptation to go back to the 24kg, next week.  Stupid swing ladder was pathetic, tired by the end, but swinging the light bells felt awkward and dangerous.  Second circuit of TGUS, the 32 came down on the right side kinda crazy and alternated l/r for the 32, 24 was fine.  Third circuit was ok.  Snatches had me gassed, reverse push-ups felt great even after that, but I was ready for the chalk outline by the end . . .gym was deserted at 8:00 on Friday which was just fine by me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Musings - Raw

“When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem”

Edward Abbey

One day they are cute at  the beach, and the next, well, they're just like you were at sixteen.


Felt crappy and needed two days off from weights so I could schedule workouts in anticipation of next week.  So yesterday a strong six miles on the elliptical in the morning, with a good solid vinyasa class last night.  Nice triangle variations and good solid core work, one leg chair to warrior three and slow out went well.   Felt like crap with a cold coming down, pre-trial stress working up to a trial monday.  But better by the end.


Got in four miles on the elliptical this morning and sometime cooling dow studio after.  Erika H. was in there after her class playing good music.  Busy busy the next week so going to have to get the workouts when I can.  Nothing tonight after all day depo, Rose got good ball play.  Hope to hit gym late tomorrow, if body allows after ugly meetings and witness prep.  Whee !

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Musings - Rose

"There is no question that the dog who is really ready for a big trial is on the threshold of committing grave mistakes." On Retrievers, Charles Morgan Rose should be in a position to make grave mistakes. Our friend who acquired her from a breeder in the sierra foothills purchased her on a whim for $500.00, a bargain price apparently; the friend's mother paid a good deal more for Rose's brother. Since we haven't talked to the friend since, we don't know how he panned out. But Rose is a field lab with a deep broad chest, shortish limbs and powerful shoulders. Her retrieving drive is so strong she will endure torn nails, slashed paws, thorns, bushes and all manner of obstacles to return whatever she perceives to be her quarry. She would be a phenominal gun dog, had she not this misfortune to be given to two lawyers who lived, at the time, in San Francisco and are more apt to go to the ballet than shoot guns. No, she is the happy idiot. I have taken her all over the western U.S. and people who know about such things look at her and comment that she is a beautiful dog and that they hope I "hunt her." I smile and shake my head. They immediately write me off and could easily guess that the last time I killed anything larger than a fly was when I got a sparrow with a slingshot at 13 while walking my paper route. Rose is screwed - her considerable potential unmet. Instead, people around here simply say to me: "hey, your dog is smiling." So busy day today and she got about 45 minutes of ball play while I was overcooking dinner on the bbq. For me, the workout went like this: First Circuit Bench press, ten at 135, 145, 155, for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. sucked big time; had not benched in a least three months shoulders hurt and it showed. Usually do push-ups and floor presses instead. Squat to press, 75lb on oly bar, 10x, 80lb last circuit; that was good 15l/15r rows, body, no bench, 24kg, the 24 kg just flys up on the rows now 20l/20r body weight bulgarian split squats 3x Second Circuit windmills, 16kg, 10r/10l 60 snatches, 16kg 10r/10l x3 25 swings 24kg, 45 seconds 8r/8l single leg squats, body weight only 3x Except it was about eight hours between the second and third sets. Had run out of time in the am; can't remember when I last cut a workout short, but I was pressed to begin with and had to spend valuable time fucking around with plates during the first circuit. Did the last at home, except I had a 20kg with a 2kg "buddy" for the swings and did 30. Should have done 25 with the 28 but I was being a pussy. Felt like shit when I started all that, but an hour after was feeling great. Cardio and Yoga (I hope) tomorrow.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Musings - Vasisthasana

"There is time not only to see who has done what, but to speculate why" A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold Rolled out at 6:00 this morning, aching and felt broken. Back and shoulders sore from yesterday and my friend the disc at L/4-5 a dull but strong ache. Six miles on the elliptical, 63 minutes and back tightened up at the end. Sitting at the desk all day no help, but did not consider skipping Yoga. Studio was about 90, started to feel good; really good after about five minutes. MH had us stretched out well to start and sequence from pidgeon to half moon on knees to standing half moon to Vasisthasana went great, strong in side plank, soreness gone; warrior three variation was rock solid and felt completely wrung out and about a million times better after the hour was up. Brigid kept Rose in good spirits with ball play, meeting ending at 5:00 may get me home in time for marsh walk tomorrow . . .

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Musings - Beatles Rock Band

"And you know its gonna be, all right" Revolution, John Lennon Too much red wine Friday night, marsh walk Saturday, Brigid jumping bushes above. Three miles with Ian and Brigid and Rose, listening to Jimi Hendrix from Winterland, 1968. Graced with the two younger teenagers presence, motivated by a desire on Brigid's part to buy stickers for her bmx at the local skate shop. Ian wanted to rent Beatles Rock Band for a few days; which compared to the fare he usually plays is a joy. I should give him more credit, he has good taste in music and literature and is a delight. A frequently surly delight but a delight nontheless. The three mile walk was it for Saturday. Pretty sad week last week with travel, one yoga class, 13 miles on the feet in one form or another, three good circuit training workouts. Today was the start of another week and started ok. Three miles in the marsh again listening to John Prine with Rose delighted to be back there. Watched football and started the workout at around 5:00; had been raining and it smelled good; Rose on the periphery red ball in mouth hoping for some play. But this was my time and it went like this: First Circuit 15 pushups, feet on 8 inch blocks, deep and slow, one foot up for 7, switch and finish 8; 30 tactical lunges with 16kg snatches, 16kg, 10r/10l; 20kg 10r/10l single leg deadlift, 10l/10r, 16kg 3x Second Circuit Presses, kneeling on physio ball, 8l/8r, 16kg, with 2kg weight on bottom 20 swings, 30 seconds, 28kg TGU's, 2r/2l/2r/2l, 28kg one minute plank, 20 sec, one foot up 15, switch, 10 sec for minute total 3x Left shoulder is dicey which is why I have been laying off presses; was being sloppy a month ago and still tender. Last set of TGU's was just brutal. Plank was really rest. Rose steered clear. Tomorrow cardio on elliptical and hopefully yoga.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Musings - Back

"You've got the art and touch and that's why we agree." 1932 letter, first person canine, wall of S.F. Vet Hospital, author unknown Thursday was full day in SLC, race to the airport and back to bay area. Left office Friday at 1:30, meetings, rolled into gym at around 3:45, went like this: First Circuit 20 cp 24kg, 10l/10r, alternating, free arm up, immediately flip to 10 pushups, hands on bells 20 single leg squats, 10l/10r, 12 inch box, with 4"/2" pad 30 cleans, 15 each side, 24kg 16 single leg deadlifts, 8 each side, 16kg, switching to two 12kg halfway through 3x Second Circuit 20 windmills, 1o each side, 16kg 30 swings, (one minute) 24kg TGUS, 2 32kg, l/r; 2 24, l/r Woodchoppers, high to low, 6.5 plate 10 each side 32kg TGU's continue to be an adventure, a little better, but . . . swings and cleans feel much better compared to 8 weeks ago. Need to start swinging the 28 more . . . Football season starts tomorrow, yay. Three mile marsh walk today, Rose needs to get hers . . .

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Musings - Road Gyms

"And what are you, reader, but a Loose-Fish and a Fast-Fish, too?" Herman Melville, Moby Dick Two days on the road; none of it productive due to an odd combination of technical failures and just plain bad planning. But Ogden was a decent town, with a large Gold's Gym heavily populated by very fit twenty somethings. Kbells were absent, but there was a lot of room for free weights, so it went like this: First Circuit 12 push-ups to renegade rows with 45lb dumbell 30 (15L/15/R) step back lunges with oly bar on shoulders 20 slalom squats with 35lb. plate 10 step backs off of 12 inch box, 25lb dumbells in each hand 3x Second Circuit 20 windmills, 10 each side with 35lb. plate 10 dumbbell snatches each side with 45lb dumbell; TGU's, 2/2/2/2 50lb dumbbell, first circuit, 45lb plate second two 15 jumping jacks with 25lb plate swings overhead 3x altitude got me a little, 50lb dumbbell got the left should more, so went to the plate. Body-building gym, I stayed in a corner and tried to keep a low profile. Salt Lake today, five miles on the hotel elliptical, would have done another but no socks and wore a nice blister in the left arch. Shit, that'll stay for a while. Dinner, good brew pub. Probably an off day tomorrow given work and travel. Friday will be nutty but hoping for a early evening blow out.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Musings - Berries at the end of summer

"I wasn't able to keep my mine stable, condition was labeled acute A.D.D." Sullivan Lane, Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams Yoga keeps the mind stable. Labor day 90 minute flow class focused heavily on hamstrings. Going to feel that good soreness for at least a day. A mile on the elliptical first before yoga and then in the afternoon a leisurely three mile stroll through the marsh with Rose and Brigid. Mutiple berry picking stops. Multiple ball/stick in the water stops. Rose got to pee on a goose carcass. Football season is upon us. Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Then Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the holidays. God I love this time of year.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Musings - 28kg Swings

"Well I wish I was in Austin, in the Chili Parlor bar drinkin' Mad Dog margaritas and not caring where you are." Guy Clark, Dublin Homesick Blues Leaving it to the end of the day on the weekend is usually a mistake; the cumulative effect of family matters and mundane tasks leaves me more in shape for a nap than a workout. But training is going to be hard with travel next week, and no matter what Pavel says I am not taking a kettlebell with me on three days of depositions. I'll find a gym someplace and hunker down if time permits at night. So after the 75 minute nap, started the workout at 6:15. Went like this: First Circuit 15 slow deep push-ups; 15 front squats, 20kg; 40 snatches, 10l/10r 16kg; 10l/10r, 20kg; 10 step back lunges, 20kg in rack 3x, but last circuit all the snatches were 16kg, gassed. Push-ups were harder than they should have been; usually can do 20 in a circuit just fine, but shoulders were sore and I was just tired. Second Circuit 20 windmills, 10l/10r; 20 swings, 30 seconds, 28 kg; TGUS, 20kg, with 2kg additional weight, 3,2,1 both sides alternating right/left; 20 Figure 8's to hold, 20 first circuit, 16 second two. 3x Windmills felt good after a coupla weeks off due to annoying small muscle pull in the ribs; 28 kg swings were new, and felt great. Figured TGUS would be good after the 32kg last week but they were hard, had to really grind. Lost the handle on the 20 on the first circuit of figure 8 to hold, went flyin off and came too close for Rose's comfort, dropped down to 16, which felt pretty light, but I was gassed. Workout took over an hour. The bells look like they are getting smaller; Rose got ball play, but felt like I kind of gypped her out.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Musings - Off Balance

" I think I'll stay up late with a few bandits of my choice and resist good advice." Stephen Dunn, Sixty Thursday, rolled off the boat and had four miles on the elliptical, which started with Kenny Aronoff beating the shit out of two bass drums on the intro to John Mellenkamp's version of the Humble Pie rocker 30 Days In the Hole. If the legs were tired never felt it, given Kenny's adrenaline raising kick-off. Four miles wasn't shit so I resolved to do a night hike later. Raced home and hit the marsh with Rose and Ian for a two hour plus walk, starting at sunset and ending under a very bright moon, one night short of full. Was a delight, listening to Pink Floyd, 1970 from Fillmore West, Ian reviewing the discography and history of legal wranglings while Rose ran all over, checking in to again go racing off in the dark, asking politely to be leashed for the last ten minutes. When your teenaged child wants to do another loop aorund the marsh, you do, thankful that he asked, and praying he won't stop. We walked slow but covered a good five miles which put the weekly total to 22, in range of the targeted 23-27. Friday, worked all morning, hit the gym, went like this: First Circuit 12 pushups, hands on a bosu, softside down, feet on 75 cm physio ball Bulgarian split squats, 12 each side, 45 plate overhead 20 renegade rows (1ol/10r alternating) with 60lb dumbbell 30 body weight box squats 3x Second Circuit Overhead press, 10l/10r, 16kg kneeling on 75 cm physio ball, spine vertical, chest up, hips vertical, very tight in core. 30 swings, 24kg (about 50 seconds) TGU's, 2 32kg, l/r, 2 24 kg, l/r Single leg deadlift, 16 kg, 8 per side. Last round of single leg deadlifts were the worst set I have done in awhile but ground through it ugly. Barbeque at night, major ball session for Rose. This morning, drenching 90 minute Trance Flow Yoga class. Shoulder talking to me from yesterday and could only hold crow for a breath or two, but triangle and half moon were good, double pump on the chadarangha, MH had us hovering over the mat at one point down from plank, felt like I could have stayed for minutes. Rest of day, bike tire shopping with Brigid and Rose.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh never mind.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Musings - Dog Tired

"I wanna do right, but not right now" Gillian Welch, Miss Ohio Warm days. Left the house at dawn, six miles on the elliptical, boring and legs were pretty shot from yesterday. Surprising, felt great all day yesterday but woke with sore shoulder, back, and dead thighs. Residual roadkill from yesterday's snatch, swing, tgu fun. Picked up after 20 minutes, but still tired. Hour long Dynamic Vinyasa class. One leg stuff was laughable; but felt really good in half moon, Michael H. does such a job of keeping it new; nearly fell to sleep at the end. Schedule says circuit training tomorrow, but busy; may just do yoga and some cardio, see what tomorrow brings. Rose out of luck, full moon upcoming so night hike potential if I can roust a kid to go with us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Musings - Snatches

"We tell ourselves stories in order to live." Joan Didion, The White Album Mondays suck; no revelation there. Late Monday am, four miles on the elliptical listening to Tower of Power. Good yoga in the afternoon, excellent slow move into warrior three, strong since no circuit training in the am. The two more miles on the elliptical, then a late ferry, hour watching Dragon Door videos on You Tube waiting for Ian to finishing dying some putrid death in his rpg. Cackling on the way home about his demented elf introducing the Paladin to the whorehouse. Yes, I AM proud. Rose screwed again. Tuesday roll onto the 6:15 bus, had to dump the coffee so arrive in SF bewildered and groggy, trying to figure out how I got there. Grab a cup, shoot down the cytomax and try to get ramped. Busy in the gym, searching for a corner to work on snatches. Went like this: First circuit Pushups to renegade rows, 12, 6l/6r with 50lb dumbbell; Squat to press, 24kg 5r/5l; 16kg 5r/5l; straight metalhead bicep curls with 80lb curl bar; focus on breathing, went well, don't and it sucked; 25 walking lunges, bodyweight only; 3x Second Circuit 40 Snatches, 16kg, 10r/10l/10r/10l, hard and fast, but focus on lockout at top, took 90-100 seconds for 40; 45 seconds swings, 25-29, 24kg; TGU, 24kg, 2r/2l/2r/2l minute plus plank, single foot & switch 30 seconds, rest two foot. 3x Last circuit smoked, snatches into swings were death, TGU's tough. No thought of the 32. Flee the city, no pm work. Rose gets major ball session for which she is, as always, joyful.