Saturday, November 13, 2010

Small Price to Pay For Beauty

 "I can't help you Sundance . . ."
Butch to the Kid, early on . . .

Did not exercise Wednesday.  Too busy early and way fried late.  Arrived home Wednesday round 7:30 after round two of interviews with mid-size law firms trying to fill excess space.  Ugh.
Darling daughter bounces in shortly after, plunks her beautiful self on the bed and spends two solid hours talking.  She is so bright and locked into her strengths; spinning about grades, school, what she wants.  I was sooo clueless at her age and she is such an old soul.   Never wanted to not disappoint someone so much.  She tells me all her friends' parents are so old, even those younger than me by a decade, but she sees that I can still move well.  "Will you come to do parkour with me on Saturday ?"  Could I not ? What do you do it for anyway, if not for this ?
Three miles Thursday and long day full of work and necessary drama.
Friday, in early throwing down the gauntlet we all knew damn well would be picked up by the afternoon, just needed to work hours well into Thursday night at 350.00 per to get people thinking about what a real shitstorm would look like; with some people you don't get to skip the playground part.  Opposing counsel backpedaling by 11:00 am, flip it back to the transactional types by 1:00, my role as horse head in the bed finished.  Clean up other stuff all day then into therapist session and then  gym.  Cortisol levels last three weeks are off the fucking charts and that does not make for strength.  Spent after an hour exploring my inner me; worthwhile, but gym after no good.  Start it though like this:
10+10 24kg floor press flip to ten pushups
10+10 TRX step back lunges
Presses, 5+5 20, 4+4 24, 1+1x2 32, actually had failed reps on right side third set
20 walking lunges, twin 35db
30/30 24kg swings, 20 x10
That is a good but not blowout workout.  Heading north after stuck in nasty traffic, barely getting Brigid to B Ball by 8; could have done 2.5 of Pradeep and been better off.

Some thoughts after a difficult week:

-If you have spent some time on a road and are at cross-roads, you damn well owe it to those who you have brought with you, to those you have met, and those you will meet, to come to a clear understanding of why you are where you are before choosing a direction.  You can't do this alone, and are kidding yourself to think you can.  To do anything else is to be a terrorist; unexploded ordnance with feet.
-Corollary: acting on impulse is for teenagers.
-Have the balls to look in the mirror and admit your shortcomings.
-Don't hurt innocent people.
-Don't tell people what their priorities should be.  You have no fucking clue unless you have lived their lives.  Your decisions give you no license to think you can inform others.
-If necessary, acknowledge that you misjudged people.  Don't beat yourself up about it.

Yeah, should have gone to yoga . . .

Saturday; parkour with Brigid.  A blast; jumping  off of vaults to hang off window ledges, up walls to hang off 4X4's, fun fun fun.  Could do much fine and improvement by end of class on weak points namely vaults on left side.  Then to three miles marsh walk, Brigid and I movingly gingerly.

The White pelicans left at last for the Winter.  They were here a week ago; Ian and I commenting that it seemed late.  Gone now for Mexico.  Much will be better by the time they return.

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