Monday, February 28, 2011

Led Zepagain

"There was a feeling of no judgment, and as I glanced around the warehouse, I saw each person as an individual to be appreciated for just being himself or herself, dancing to the music."

Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness

Sing-A-Long type experience Thursday night. With Brigid to see Led Zep cover band, Led Zepagain at Yoshi's. Thought it a joke; kind of county fair Spinal Tap. And it was, in many respects. A very well executed, highly polished joke. Lead guitarist Steve Sukowski peeling off incendiary riffs with every guitar god pose in the book, these guys were players with a passion for the music. Add to that a camp loving audience spanning the spectrum from craggy gray-haired ex (or perhaps current) acid heads to suburban types with teenagers in tow to beer and cocktail guzzling twenty somethings who'd journeyed from Sacramento, from Stockton, Modesto and Oakdale to a rock n' roll sing a long. Guys and crowd committed to the music and it felt like a revival. Close of Stairway: Big fun.


Marsh walk with Rose, off day. Spotted a funny looking duck from about 75 yards away heading straight toward us. At about 50 yards saw it was an otter, a very very large one. It was not shy as it swam past and popped up chattering at us. Body still felt jacked up but by Monday am, better.

Early Monday, it's Presidents' day but need to get shit done, all kinds of shit, so:

10+10x5 16kg single arm swing warm up

Presses, 5+5 20kg, then 24kg to 1+1 32kgx2

10 twin 16kg front squats

5, then 3 neutral grip pull ups, 22lbs assist

5+5 sls x 2, body weight, then 16kg bu


20x5 double swings, 12/16kg alternating sides

That's it, shut it down a little short 'cause Pradeep awaits later.

Four solid hours of billables.

Pradeep at 5:30. Yee hah.

Tuesday, three miles elliptical. Site inspection at mp house gets put off for a day which fucks up the schedule, end up at the Claremont until 6:40 playing Voice of Reason.

Wednesday. Busy all day, sneak in early for:

15/15 snatches, seven rep pace x 60. Chipped bell handle completely thrashes hands, will pay for this for a while.


Work, but bail by 4:30 to do 60 min EH, then up to Yoshi's for Led Zepagain and feed Brigid.

Friday. AM, hands are fucked from Wednesday and don't think ballistics are gonna work, but Rif has been writing about long cycle press work and that sounds ok, so:

1-5+1-5 long cycle press ladders, 24 kg

10 + 10 single leg squats off this groovy new platform

10+10 65lb dumbbell rows

Deck squats, 10; 5 8, then 5 4.


Last time I did long cycle press ladders was August 2009.  My clean and press form sucked and I fucked up shoulders and elbows for a month.  That little wake up call is much of the reason why I sought out ct.  Better now, much.  Those ladders felt awesome and no fucked up joints from poor form.
Brigid texts me in the office from the two trough loop on Burdell.  She has Rose out in it per above for which I cannot be more grateful.  It's very simple: you are working.  You will sweat.  The dog is joyful.  Planned to return for round two late pm, meetings get canceled late and I can make it to Pradeep at 4:30, favorite happy hour.  60 minutes of om om om over 20 minutes of swings any day; sorry Pavel, but not really.
Saturday, walk with Rose and Ian, trying to pull him back from the edge.
90 minute EH class. At 60 minutes slow roll of Trapeze Swinger comes through, that's gonna go for about nine minutes and then it's into Alexi Murdock which slays.  There are about 30 people, I am betting most showed up cause it was her in front. She is a very very good teacher. It's better than church.
Three hours billable, then up to ct for hour class. Knock out 200 swings fast then a good mix of press, jerk and body weight work. Brave of her focusing on jerks in class setting, new sport bells at Equinox had got me doing some practice; long cycle with 28 felt really good and floor presses with that weight felt beastly, 32 for sure next time.  She busted me fast on the right knee caving in on the jerks.  I can fix this with practice.  As usual her form is perfect, she has no flexibility or mobility issues and it looks like she has been working hard.

Tonight. Biggest crowd for Pradeep class ever. May have been trying to prune for next week but brutal. Extended series on both sides followed by relentless plank work at end. Very very happily drenched.  Om om om indeed. 

Buckley has been sharing his experiences in Siberia. He put up this blog post, which resonates for many reasons.  Being passionate about one thing spills over into everything. I get the pleasure in simple things; taking transport to the airport, the work, the reward. The anticipation of moving iron or sweating it out on the mat improves everything up to and after; be it commute, work, or the sink full of dishes when you get home.  Make no apologies for being slow on the uptake and therefore old; I have had shit I needed to do and responsibilities to meet, and will for the rest of my time.  The others working hard in spite of their own bundle of constraints become the tribe; we don't know each other but we come together to breath and sweat or walk our dogs out in it. We are all working in our different ways, toward the same thing: be better.  It's up to you. That's the dance.
To quote John:  "You are strong, you are beautiful."
Rock on.

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