Monday, October 17, 2011


“Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God.”
Kurt Vonnegut

No more Interrupted, back to this
10+10 x 5 16kg single arm swing warm-up

short cycle 24kg press 1-5+1-5 press ladder
suitcase deads, 10 32/36
figure 8 to hold, 10 20kg to 10 24kg
clean and hold five count, 5+5 36kg
Buckley training,
40+40 16kg snatch
15+15 swing/snatch drill, 24kg
2 16kg insertion drill

Dog walk.  10/9, her seventh birthday.  We both are at least middle aged.  Good.  Brigid threw the old ball she'd found way out and it sank, leading to one very confused labrador.

3+3 x 10 16kg single arm swing
20 28kg swings to 1 28 kg TGU x 10

GS snatch, 50 + 50 16kg in five minutes.  Pretty shaky.  Supposed to do 22 insertion drill with the 24, but sapped due to the TGU's.  Later.

Excellent texts from IST on safari seeing ostrich, lions, and elephants.  Oh my.  Really nice guy running the trip.  Super responsive and IST is clearly having a ball.

Brutal day, followed by 60 min mh stiff guy.  Run in late and kill it.  Good class, all hips.

In late for not much
8+8 28kg floor press to 10 push-ups
10 double 20 kg front squats
10+10 28kg rows
10 steps ups on to low box, 24 in rack
3x.  No time for more.

Thursday, EH class, good.

Friday, LPS retreat, nothing
Run around planning for IST return.  Rebuild his bed.  Shop.  No exercise.

We are late to airport but not very and he looks like himself except fitter and darker.  Hair is longer and more of it, which I would have thought impossible.  Fun to listen to him talk and go off on baboons.  Brigid does an awesome job on dinner which is ready to go when we get home and he sits down and starts slamming ham.

Up to watch football and reconnect.  We go on a long dog walk and I toss up softballs and he spits it out.  He has a very good eye and describes the intersection of wildlife, tourism, and poverty.  He is funny and shy and worried about his future.  He has made many friends and learned how to handle himself in foreign places.  He is missed.  I listen and am struck by how little I can do at this point.  He needs to figure out what he wants to do and do it.
It's late, go out for:
10+10 x 3 16kg swing warmup

20 push-ups, one foot up, switch at 10.
10 suitcase deads, 32/36
Rows, 5+5 36 to 5+5 32.  One way to make a 32kg feel light: pull a 36kg beforehand.
10 24kg Goblet Squats
Want to do heavy swings but nasty tear at base of right hand little finger and cut on index figure screw up grip.  It'd be ok on the 24 and probably the 32, but the 36 allows for no hinky grip stuff and I shut that down after 20.
50+50 16kg gs snatches, 4:45.
Do about half the insertion drills I'm supposed to with the 24, can't complete more than 12 on each side, though JWB wants 22

Pradeep class, really smoking.  Have missed him and the drenching 60 minutes that ensues.  Getting better, right hand firmly outside left foot in reverse triangle, other side better.

Gonna take me up to the Spirit In The Sky . . .

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