Sunday, February 5, 2012


“I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.”

In early for more bu fuckaround. Sticking single 24's both sides but double cleans take time to get dialed in. When they do it's getting very close.
Home for VO2 max
15/15 16kg seven rep pace x 70. Good sweat.

Hour MH, very good.

Thursday, planned rest.

bu fuckaround in am, back for:
10+10 x 5 16kg single arm swings

15 32kg swings

short cycle c & p
3+3 28 to 2+2 32, doubles both sides all sets
Twin 24 kg front squats x 8
10+10 renegade rows, 24's
15 28kg two handed swings to 15 24kg two handed swings

7:20 boat and pick up Brigid at Parkour, she is so happy there.

Saturday, six hours of motion in limine oppositions.  I am responsible for 5 of 18, go.
Rest day, it's ok.  That was three yoga classes and three kbell workouts last week.  Crushing workload right now gotta be good with that.

Sunday.  Eight hours of mot lim oppos.  In office by 8, leave at 12:15 for CT at 16th and Moraga stairs.  So fun.  Lived for eight years in the outer sunset and forget how beautiful it is.  The avenues spill out down the hill and the oceans spreads out wide.  On clear winter days like today the Farallones are so close you can touch them, 27 miles away.  Up on top the views are stunning all around, west over the ocean, north to GG, Tam, Pt. Reyes.  East to downtown and the east bay.  We haul light bells up the tiled Moraga steps and pause for swings at the top.  Wind the way down through lesser stair cases, CT leading us with waiters walks like some tiny pied piper.  Close it out with 120 swings, pretty good workout and just an awesome awesome day.

Back for final run, turn on stupid bowl but do not look up until there is 3:19 left in the game, save a few glances at Madonna.  Finally finish at 8:30.

For the night anyway.  Tomorrow brings court appearance, motion filings, deposition, and two conference calls starting at 5:00.  Keep moving, and breathe.  Madonna still has it.

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