Monday, March 19, 2012

PR Everyday

"For the children, they had to try, to figure out the words to that song. Louie, Louie."
Todd Snider

Some dude tweeted the other day: "if you're not pr'ing everyday, you're a loser."
Insipid. One is not defined by the weight one presses overhead or pulls off the floor.

Good yoga, young moms in the row in front of me rocking it out joyful, snaking up from child's pose to cobra and back to dd, its early in the class before the sweat starts flying but it'll be good later too. I'm the oldest person in the room by a good bit but the equal of any in strength.

Digging out; only three clients pissed off at the end of the day.
Need to get bills out and receipts up. Trial killing me.

The return of JL saves my bacon. Free to plot implementation of policy of overwhelming force tomorrow morning, and keep the rest at bay.
In for bu fuckaround, takes a good ten minutes to get dialed in. Goes well after that but it's clear time for a rest day, been seven days straight.

Overwhelming force plays very well. Find out how well by mid next week; feels good.
Kill rest of day, leave for yoga. Before that, run through Destroyer complex twice
50 alternating single arm swings
Double 16's
10 swings
10 snatches
10 squats
10 clean and press
10 pushups
10 mention over rows
Then 60 min Pradeep. Extended lunge and warrior series has thighs alternately screaming. "I know, I know, I know . . ."

Long marsh walk with Amy, Ian and Rose. Plan kbells later but it never happens.

Awesome yoga with B.

Horrible jmb clean-up mediation.
Get out, feel like shit. Into office for wrap up. Then
60 single arm swings, 20 kg.

1-3 28kg short cycle press ladder to 2 32kg, doubles on right.
8 Twin 24kg front squats
5+5x2 32kg rows
5-1 single arm swing 28kg ladder
1 28kg tgu
x5 just not in me but Fitocracy said it was a 1700 point workout. Too many points on the double cleans and not enough for a 60 min vinyasa class.
LAUNCHING the 20kg with the hips on warm-up, whee !

Home to mess. Sigh. Late Brigid wants to watch West Wing. We started with season 1 a couple of weeks ago; curl up with B and enjoy them for a bit.

11:30, 59 page order comes spilling through; doctrine of overwhelming force really could not have gone better. The shoe had not dropped, just the threat to wring out the last hope of settlement. He reverses field where he should have (in our favor) and slams the door (on them) citing liberally from my briefs and adopts my term "dilatory." I only say things like that when it's true; this is a smart judge and the lack of prior hyperbole pays off.   He listened, read, understood and that's all the tax payers of California can ask for. Apologies for consuming funds and time with this.
Late yoga. Perfectomento, out to psycho performance. Don't bite.

In for 30 minutes of bu fuckaround.
Sticking the double cleans, very close to double press. Going to come soon, I think. That's it.

More cold and wet. Running work stuff starting at 8. Leave at noon after filing one motion and by 1:45 I can feel I'm going to have to dig deep to get anything in today in terms of sweat. Does not happen. Clean up calls and brief crises until 7:15.

Going to be conference calls until 11:30 then settlement conference. Get in at 7:30, grab the office 24 and head to the dank gym basement:

30 swings
5+5 squat to press
x8. Lat pulls last 3.
Kept it quick, pretty good.
Want late yoga but settle stupid case at 4:30 and client wants to drink. Four hours and five scotches later hit the last boat. Stopped drinking at 8:15 and followed with a lot of water = not much damage.

Driving around with Brigid driving for four hours. Wiring her brain, no workout. Surprisingly exhausting, watching her get better and feeling her relax. Another milestone till the big one when she leaves.

Up early to take I to Ross for a twelve hour tech run through. Head into the city to clean up office and hit gym - want to hit hard. My usual yoga classmates are lining up at the door while I'm lining up different colors of kettlebells, they look like dinosaur easter eggs, my own spring party, purple, black and orange.

80 single arm swing 16kg warm-up.

Long cycle double clean and press:
5 20kg
4 24kg
3 28kg
2 32 singles
8 Double 24 front squats
10 inverted rows
10 figure 8 to hold 20kg, to 10 24kg.

20 28kg swings, to tgu x5.

Come back up pull old cd put of car door. Downloads from - mostly Lowell George Little Feat, Radiators. Single track at the end is @samanthamusic from The Independent NYE 2005. The State I'm In.  Bass drum, tom tom, guitar creeps in and she's off. Lost a bunch of weight a long time ago listening to that so google Sam when I get home and see what she is up to.

Sold all her stuff and traveling around the world is what. Shots from Antarctica. Insightful, well-written commentary.  Show Brigid, wow, that's so cool.
That's a PR.

Monday 3/19
In early for bu fuckaround. Close on the double 24's, single 28 right goes up easy. Yay me.
Back for Pradeep. Really crowded, really good.

You can't PR everyday without being utterly unremarkable. Selling all your shit and traveling around the world ? That's remarkable. Pushing a 28kg kettlebell overhead bottoms up ?
Stupid human trick.

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