Monday, September 27, 2010


"I feel the earth move under my feet . . ."
Carol King
Like this . . .

Saturday, into sf for MH 9:30.  I am gonna do doubles on all chaturangas which goes well, but I am weak in side plank on left which is unusual and clearly a result of kbells 14 hours before and extreme heat.  Ten minutes left in class MH calls me out for sweating:  "we are going to have to burn that mat; that is just nasty."  Love you too bro.
Driving along MG, the bay is flat, there is no wind to speak of and sailboats are motoring wistfully.  As always, I think about living on kia ora twenty one years ago and how I am sorry I ever got off and how much I need to get back on. 
On way back up I just gotta stop in to Arch Rival, I need shoes and it's stupid to buy anything else and I can't wait any longer for CS to stop being a dick.  They have kso's that'll fit, though the gray and pea green is an ugly color on my wide dwarvish foot.  No sprints, next pair.  I do so some step back lunges to the amusement of the store crowd and am sold.  Wanna do inaugural walk in marsh, but it is so hot.  Run around buying shit and nap late instead of walking Rose who looks at me like the traitor I am, ball play.  Gee thanks.
Sunday, in the marsh by 7:45 am and I am lovin' the vff after about two steps.  Gorgeous morning, not too hot yet and the birds are not yet hunkered down and are loud.  We meet only a few other walkers and the all have labs, yes don't we all love our dogs so and aren't we smart people for having friends give us a good breed for the dog we did not want.
Evening after Rose bathes and after Brigid's 1500 calorie ham and cheese settles in it is time to bring it:
10+10 step back lunges, 20kg
warm up presses, then 1-3 28kg ladders, both sides.
5+5 sls
10+10 28kg rows
30/30 20 28kg swings to 1+1 28kg tgu x10.  That swing/tgu fest takes a solid 35 minutes  Only way it feels lighter is to swing heavier and it's time.
This morning on elliptical quick 20 minutes to get some steady cardio in; JH comes up, she has just come from a clinic with Valery Federenko and is pretty pumped and wants to do a session with me and her much younger client to practice all the stuff she learned.  Her enthusiasm is genuine and in three years she has never pitched me, so you bet.  She looks like barbed wire, graceful barbed wire; an extreme level of fitness reserved for those under 30 and she has years to go.  I want Brigid to see these young women, she could be there.
Late pm, Pradeep class.  He makes me better.  He has my hand on foot in reverse triangle, all the way up in wheel.  I am what I think is laid out in triangle, he comes by and pulls another inch out of my arm and works a ever so slight kink out of the front leg.  A pro.
Stay in shorts and workout gear for the 7:20 boat, down Market in the vff; nice look counselor. 
Awesome, one more foot song, blows Carol out of the water . . . turn it UP.

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