Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unsquare Dance

"We don't know the power that's within our bodies"
Dave Brubeck

Dave turned 90 yesterday.  Still playing; just finished three nights at the Blue Note.
Jay had Time Further Out when we were growing up.  As a kid in elementary school I'd spend evenings curled up with the cat listening to that one and Monk's Dream.  Take Five is not on Time Further Out but could not find a complete video of Unsquare Dance, my favorite from that album.  Happy B-Day Dave, very glad you are still with us.

Tuesday, nothing.  Grinding.
Wednesday, more grinding then gym late like:
10 twin 16kg front squats
MP 5+5x20, 4+4x24, 1+1x2 32
sls 5+5bw, 5+5 16kg in rack bu
10+10 65lb dumbbell rows
Front squats loaded were great, had stumbled upon mc's blog post with (now former RKC) ww demoing http://www.begin2dig.com/2008/08/kettlebell-front-squat-micro-master.html and have shied away since aggravated disc injury three years ago last March with cute little12kgs.  Twin 16's are now fine, stay tight and no hint of a problem.  Rack position beats Goblet squats every time; much more natural to keep chest up and shoulders down, particularly with my stiff shoulders;
15/15 10 32kg swings, 1+1 24kg tgu x 5
50 24 kg swings
15/15 10 32kg swings x5
50 24kg swings
Need longer swing sets, and the 50's good.

Thursday, two miles
Friday, ramped up work/head fest and Pradeep is teaching in Hawaii, nothing.
Grinding all weekend for arb Monday.  Sitting at table all day, force up for Saturday snatch fest
15/15 seven rep pace, 16kgx52
Take Ian in for 10:00 Mike Stern show.  Anthony Jackson, Randy Brecker.  Wow.  Ninety minutes of non-stop blow it out.  Yeah guys, we are gonna take you for a ride, and they did.  I'd heard Stern compared to Jeff Beck, but that does Stern a huge disservice.  No way Jeff plays like that; have not heard anyone play like that, turns Miles' Jean Pierre from a slow grind to a blow out romp.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICZHgTh5pi8&feature=related.  I like it both ways; Miles with a young Marcus Miller.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSKow6i0qiY&feature=related
Ian and Mike look like soulmates . . .

Scary ya ?
More Mike.
Nothing Sunday but work and rain, plan 5 walk by 4 but its raining and only half through prep so Rose gets screwed and I stay dry.
Monday, up very early after little sleep.  Out to Walnut Creek for arb.  NPR piece on stress reduction and breathing, nothing new but good to be spoon fed.  http://www.npr.org/2010/12/06/131734718/just-breathe-body-has-a-built-in-stress-reliever.
Seven hours of arb.  Garrulous witness on direct, but crosses really tight and hopefully effective, won't know until February but it was fun.
Fried walking out but head in for workout.  Not a good idea.  I start with a few cleans but the kettlebells don't seem like a good idea; cortisol and adrenaline is a bad cocktail.  Head into what would be Pradeep's class but he is doing retreat work in Hawaii so there is a sub I don't like the looks of.  Class one of the worst exercise experiences of my life.  Music too loud, guy talking way too fast and too soft.  Half the time he was talking to the floor and the other half to the walls.  Trying to keep up with disembodied hyper-mumbling overlain by synthesized middle-eastern music.  In corpse pose white boy starts chanting, skip it dude.  I want to throw sweaty towels at him; I did not think it was possible to leave a class more stressed at the end than the beginning, but he achieved it.
Get home late and bark at Ian, not good.  I am unhappy cause spent 16 hours working in family room all weekend and no one even looks up when I walk in.  C finally asks how it went at about 11:30.  What the fuck did you expect David?  Flowers and a parade ?  No, but some interest would have been nice.
Get up very early and cook Ian's potluck contribution to try to make myself feel better.
Today.  Pick up all the shit I have not done for four days or longer.
Gym.  I want this to be good, was, after a bit:
10 front squats, twin 16
5+5 20kg, 4+4 24kg, 1+1 32kgx2
10+10 step back lunges, twin 12kg
 pull-up, 5, 28lbs assist, 3 22lbs
Presses, bad to start.  As bad as they were good the week before, at least the 32, can always get through the lead up, 32 is where rubber hits road.  But I know its not strength but form.  Cracks me up when left is easier, that's a lesson.  Get serious and by third circuit its going up much better both sides.
Assist on pullups programming in movement; basically gtg circuit.
15/15 32kg swings, ten reps x 5;
50 24kg swing
Uh-huh.  7:20 boat.  Watching John Stewart re-runs while dog snores and Brigid works.  Bliss; we don't know the power, but it sure is nice nice to find it.  Don't take it for granted.

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