Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tell Me Lies, I Love to Believe . . .

"Keep me on your mind a while, I'm coming home, I coming home."
Loretta, Townes Van Zandt

5 came over 6/14. Brigid cooked us Portabello and gruyere ravioli. Excellent. We did not make plans to go backpacking as he is off to Hawaii for the week and moi is trying not to completely overwhelmed with work. But, REI is 25 percent off all bags next three days and daughter has needs. So this is time and in looking at temp ratings mind goes to places; last year huddled sleepless on the bank of Stuart Fork in mid-August, already more than a fallish nip. We will get there again and soon.

Foot needs to heal and I need to not push.
Headstands and other inversion practice Wednesday. Have exactly as much fun as I thought, meaning quite a bit, settling gay porn case. Sophisticated parties are very happy with the deal and got lots of kudos. It feels so good to be me.
Get home, her summer began today and Brigid is doing marinated pork, pineapple veggie skewers while I throw ball for dog. Nearly dark when start to eat outside and it's really nice, listening to get chatter about what she wants to do and how she will eventually break my heart.  Another three years and when she goes she will not return; known this since she was very young.
Fucking grind of a day banging on people. Secure payment of 30k receivable which had been source of serious stress and once again can look partners in eye.
Into gym for first organized class in a week. Easy yoga with JB as sub. She is not a great teacher but she is really easy on the eyes and gives a lot of attention so it's a pleasant hour.
Nutso stuff.
Escape practically running away from client and into gym for first real workout in a week.
Usual press fest ladder
5+5 20
4+4 24
3+3 28
1+1 32 x2

10 24kg Goblet squats
10+10 28kg rows
20+20 step back lunges, body weight only, focus on shoulders and hips square.
Presses right are impacted by heel, particularly last 28, and both 32's. Get through it but whoa, do not become more jacked up.
30/30 20 24kg swings x 10.
Been a couple of weeks due to hand then heel but this was actually pretty good.
Will be lonely this weekend, will enjoy it for not very long.
Mh yoga, watch golf and take Rose late for swim at Bucks Launching; time stops down there.
Marsh walk. Too hot, inside 5+5-1+1 to TGU, 24kg x 10.
4:30 Yoga with Molly Fox and back to office, meet mc for 7:20 boat. We'd never met but like her instantly. She rides with me to Larkspur and send her back. Nice interlude.
It's hot hot hot which means sf cannot be a nicer place to be.
In to SF and gym for some vo2
Max, 15/15 16kg seven rep pace x 60. All good, heel is well.
In for bu stuff, gets later and later and that is all.
Calls until 6:50. Gotta get back to B who has been alone since 6. That is not good. Fried and stressed. Do not force a workout. Walk the dog before afternoon court appearance in sacramento tomorrow and then keep it together for Kbell later; maybe on the road down the dirt trail where you've seen Golden Eagles and Osprey, bobcat shit and pissed red-wing blackbirds.
Walk dog in am.  Very nice, but as 8:30 approaches phone starts up.  Hit the road for sacto, get there with 20 to spare.  Judge is great and back on the road by 3:30.  Immediate calls and miss 80 and I'm on my way to Stockton on I-5.  Turn it back and end up spending 45 minutes in am pm mini mart parking lot sending emails to be turned into letters and non-stop calls.  Take 60 seconds to strip off suit and put on shorts and tank, if I'm gonna grind do it in comfort.  There is no road workout here, 37 stacked up due to race traffic and will only get worse.  Go down to Anne's; she's recovering from knee replacement and spend time with daughter and sister and laugh at stupid dog who can't walk on the tile floor.
Functional fitness in action as load up recumbent bike and haul it up a flight of stairs for Anne's rehab.
Essentially three days off which is the longest stretch I've gone in a couple of years.
Out back by 4:30 for this
10+10 16kgx3 warmup
1-5+1-5 long cycle 24kg press ladders
10 24kg goblet squats
10 24kg crush curls
10+10 step back lunges 20kg in rack
Taking me 9 minutes to get through each circuit, 3.30 on the long cycle ladders, no breaks there, keep it moving.
100 20 kg snatches, first 60 in 2:45, but hit a wall and skip the timing to finish.
Felt pretty fucking strong.

It is a song that can take over the head for days . . .

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