Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Counting Curtain Calls

It's Not Fitness.  It's Life.
Equinox PR Flack.

Good rap nonetheless.

Nothing. Work from home to deal with appliance delivery while I try to get out overdue discovery.   By 4:00 chest is tight from juggling, not good. Kids spend too much time alone and they are howling for attention.  Brigid gone by 6:30, off for a week, maybe.  Turns out not so, thank god.

Thursday. Digging out. Run to catch late afternoon EH class. Pretty easy class feels good. One legged stuff crap; really not good at all and it feels chemical. Sigh; you can control how you react.  Right.

In early to throw iron around:
10+10x5 16kg single arm swings
10 see-saw press 24s to 5 double press
10+10 step back lunge, 20 in rack
10 24kg crush curls
10 figure 8 to hold 20, to 10 24

30/30 20 24kg swings x 10

Long day, good work.  Arms smoked from press work and crush curls till noon.  Pradeep late, hammer down. Long one foot series MUCH better.

Installing dishwasher + lawyer = at least potential code violations; functional fitness notwithstanding.

Rockin' 90 minute EH class with B.  Grocery shopping; walk the dog, dive bombed by angry terns.  If they only knew her, she is such a good dog.  Aimed at moi ?  Understood.  I'd yell at me too.

In early for iron,
 10+10 single arm 16kg swings x 5
double mp
20k x 5
24 x 4
28 x 3
32 singles x 2
10 suitcase deads, twin 32
assisted pull-up, 5 then 3, 16lbs assist
10+10 step back lunges, 16kg vipr overhead
No more time.  Ok, snatch test.
10+10 x 5, 20kg, 4:48.  Okay dokey.  Done smoked and dusted.

Hang for an hour with JWB.  Wears his heart on his sleeve; good place for it.  I used to think he talked too much for training.  Now he talks less and says more when he speaks.  We should all aspire to same.
Good day; up to CT.  Great 40 min, evil slow burpees to 15 +15 x 5 snatches, 7 rep 16kg to bu presses x 3.  The 15 minutes of snatch work should be a walk in the park but after the snatch test day before and JWB not the cake walk one would think at 51, go easy on thyself.  BU press have worked on; I don't want to be a show dog but also want work, so alternate between twin 16's and 20's.  Feels really good.  Fro yo with rene and ct; don't get out much, do you ?  I love San Francisco.
Late Weeds with Brigid, smack.

Hurt me Ray:

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