Saturday, August 20, 2011

Launch Party

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.  Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."
Mark Twain

I hope he is right.  IST does not suffer from bigotry or prejudice.  His narrow-mindedness is not borne of character flaws but lack of experience.  He is about to get that in spades.  He is about to get his mind blown.  He flies off in four days to spend six weeks in a village in Kenya and trying not to come unglued.  Dinner on Sunday and he is rude and unappreciative.  Get that he is freaked out and nervous, but grow up.  Come down on him hard all week and by Thursday he is getting it.

Good class with EH and B, B rocking it. He shows no fear in launching into one-legged poses; I have to scoot over and assist before he craters.  He has started hopping up from downward dog - he scoots his stubby feet up a foot or so.  He was not done by the end of class and while everyone was rolling up and out, he was back in the corner practicing triangle. EH was cracking up - he is a heart breaker.

Fairly spectacular success Monday to settle RA's two year nightmare.  Spent two years setting the table.  Countless hours on the phone and six figures in fees all culminating in a meeting on the 48th floor of a LA office tower.  Three on our side, three on theirs and in three hours we are done.  Feels so good to be me.  90 miles an hour to Santa Ana and holding on for dear life, slam the first Big Mac in five years standing up in the John Wayne Airport, can't get out of So Cal fast enough.  Back by 5:00, get into the gym and do this:
Short cycle clean and press:
5+5 20
4+4 24
3+3 28
1+1 x 2 32
Step back lunges 10+10, 50lb barbell
Renegade row 10+10 24kg
Suitcase deads, twin 32
3x through

Am baked from early start and long day, shut it down there.

Spend chunk of day making IST arrangements.  Thinking too fried for anything, but force up to CT for tight hard ladder circuits:

1+1 to 3+3 press, 28
1-3 goblet squat
6+6 snatches 20kg
8+8 single arm swings, 20k
5-1 descending snatch ladder, 20kg

A lot of work in 30 minutes; pleased that the presses went up easy, less so that the snatch swings left me so gassed. Running low on time and cutting out elliptical has hurt conditioning.

Insane telephone calls leave me exasperated with client whose fat I'd just pulled out of the fire.  Some people just can't stay out of it.  Leave to go to rare mid-day class with Pradeep and deal with currency exchange.  It's 1:00 on Wednesday and class is packed and he brings the hammer down.  Hang with though come up a bit short on full wheel at the end, his five breath holds are more like fifteen and drop down early which almost never happens, but oh well.  GREAT class

Still coming down down down from Monday.  Get stuff out long overdue.  Felt good and did not need to be rest day.  Get out and do this:
100 single arm swing 16kg warm up
10 alternating 24kg press to 5 24 doubles
10 twin 20 front squats
12 120lb lat pulls, to 5 140; I can really isolate so its not a waste of time, arms are secondary.
10 20kg figure 8 to hold to 10 24
5-1 single arm 24kg swing ladder to 28kg tgu x 5
Followed by awesome dinner with awesome company.

Can't get enough of Ferry Plaza and stop for Frog Hollow breakfast.
Skip out for 4:30 Pradeep, kill it.

Final shopping for IST.  Drop the last 300.00 and lay it out on the floor.  He is traveling very light; that is good.  Anti-malarials and a good water supply.  Binoculars, camera, and VFF.  Mosquito netting and a good hat.  Money belt, and extra copies. Bug juice and sunscreen.  Rock & Roll, and Radio.


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