Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Too Loud

"I've always been afraid of twelve step crowds; they laugh too much and they talk too loud like they all know, how everyone should be . . ."
Todd Snider, Long Year .  .  .

Nothing, working dog.

In late for:

Five long cycle double 24kg clean & press
3 double 28
1+1x2 32

8 double 24kg front squats
5 plus 3 assisted pull ups, 16lb assist
20 tactical lunges, 24kg

5-1 descending 1 arm swing ladder 24kg to 20 alternating

Ericka at noon, great class.

Supposed day off, Hah !
Expert witness prep and client meet, quick workout
20 28 kg swings to 1 28kg tgu x5
20 28kg swings x 5
Berkeley shopping

Clean up in anticipation of pork roast oh yes.

To Mg for kettlebell/movement fun. Total blast felt like a kid.

75 min yoga with Evan; chaturanga city.

CT late:
5-1+ 5-1 snatch ladder 24kg, to mobility voo doo to 5 20kg GS

In between, juggling the usual holiday dysfunction with year end client crises.  Friday brought the expert witness prep in am in 5mm case headed on a rail line to trial, then on Telegraph, bailing to sit in Noah's and close out seven figure settlement deal which is first piece in chain which needs to be cleared out before year and while simultaneously structuring sale of world famous artisan business in fashion which satisfies creditors and leaves client reputation intact.  Pretty much left alone Saturday and Sunday to think about prior week and plot for the next one; Monday more of the same.  Tuesday brought five hours of witness prep with nationally known law professor nervous about being a paid expert which makes him perfect but he does not know it yet.  I am his lifeline and he practically begs me to go to dinner but it is not necessary and we both have work to do.  His is reviewing 573 pages of accounting documents and mine is snatching a 24kg bell 180 times, in between CT's outstanding fine motor work and goblet squats with no sagittal extension, maintain neutral spine, relax, move your eyes not your head.

I enjoy social media and reading all the young folks' plans and goals and determination; road maps of lives just starting and recent prs.  The resume of the day; how you got all the shit done and more that you said you would and ate clean, worked out and are psyched to get up and do it again.  I like seeing them so dedicated, so committed to what you think you want.

But what will really impress is to see recuperation with grace when something happens to that will leave all that in shambles.  Can they broaden the map so it includes enough other people (outside of the gym) to guarantee disappointment, stir up bad juju one must ultimately forgive and dig deeper than ever thought possible to do so because its not about the individual or that bar with the weight on it but those who depend their survival and what you carry for them.  Not something that happens to someone close, but to you.  The birth of a child not perfect, the loss of a job, the cosmic blindside which tears your road map to shreds.  Recuperate from that and stay strong.  Recognize how little you really need, because what really matters takes up no space at all except in the center of your chest the capacity of which is infinite.

Yes, yoga will be good tomorrow.  After the four hours of deposition, and before the three hours of settlement negotiations.  Breathe.

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