Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year end

“I considered the wonder of the things that befell me, convinced that my life was the best omelet you could make with a chainsaw.”
 Thomas McGuane, Panama

Wednesday skimming across the Bay morning light perfect.
Very very good expert depo; witness pleased that I was pleased. Had me taking pictures of him on the street as we walked back from office so he could send to his wife, loving being here. Next week and the week after should go so well.

5:15 60 min mh class. Mh is a good man, first yoga teacher and always glad to return to his class. Patient guy, about to be besieged.

I can't wait for Pradeep next week, all those folks convinced they need to start in with yoga cause it's a way to ease into fitness are going to run into a buzz saw.

Newsflash: you don't ease into fitness. You jump in with both feet and commit, psychically and financially. You stick with it consistently for 90 days, it'll change your life. Anything else you're just fuckin' around. Get in or get out.

Circuit was:
4-1+4-1 short cycle 28kg mp
8 double 24 front squats
10 inverted rows
5+5 sls to same with 16kg bu
And that was it. Wanted second half to be alternating 24kg snatches to 28kg single arm swings, but no. Interrupted by email waaaay too much and never really hit a groove. Due a rest day, should have just taken it. The press ladders were a lot of heavy pressing and it may be that heavy presses ought not to be followed by heavy snatches and swings on the fifth straight workout day. Duh.

Run to catch noon yoga but don't make after dropping draw check in street. Nice job counselor.  Closing office early but working on settlement until late.

In for 75 minute MH class with B.  B rocks it, hopping forward on his stubby little feet and MH welcomes him, calls him out on twists, fist bump at the end which Barry digs and a "come back."
Spend entire day working on settlement, finishing finally at 5:30, opposing counsel emailing:  "go home now David. "
Quiet night watching Firefly, drinking way too much wine and champagne.

Watch niners and make outstanding pasta salad.  To park, get rid of this skull pain.  Started with double 20kg swing, press squat snatch ladder but too much.  Shift to easy standby:
5-1+5-1 single arm 24kg swings to 1 TGU x 10.

I have boat loads of work in a number of areas to do in 2012.  Stay strong.  Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.  Breathe.  Get better at everything.

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