Thursday, January 19, 2012


"I am a walking piece of art every day . . ."
Lady Gaga

In for bu fuckaround. Pretty good, then up to CT late for:

5 28kg jerks single arm r
5 front squats 28kg single arm left
5 28kg jerks single arm right
5 28kg squats single arm right
15+15 single arm swings 24kg
5 double 24kg jerks
15 double 16kg swings
Tough little circuit, 28 front squats really good after double 24 front squats last few weeks.
Up all night coughing.

All day depo prep and depo, Feel like shit.

Thursday, to Fairfield for 8:45 call and back down for 11:30 depo, flying.
Bail for late EH, good, strong, easy class.

Pradeep late pm. 4:30 Friday is his easiest of the week; very very strong.

Main event was watching the redemption of Alex Smith and @vernondavis85 unfold. VWC is a good simple workout for football watching so
15/15 16kg snatches 7 rep pace x 70, shoulda gone 80.

Five hours drafting jury instructions. Brigid comes in, lunch and up to CT. Press ladder/box squat class, low volume high quality movement. Fives on the 32kg push press suck, particularly left.

Chocolate making class and home. Love the day with Brigid. On way up she says that was fun let's do it more often and we are going backpacking this year, right ? Slay me.

Six hours taking expert deposition. Do not finish. Break at 5:00 and sprint for 5:30 EH. Speed up so you can slow down. Very good, very strong class.

Must. Do. Heavy. Press.

10+10x5 16kg single arm swing warm-up.

Double 20 kg 5+5 long cycle c & p
Double 24 4+4
Double 28 3+3
single 32 1+1 x 2
Been awhile for heavy press work and did not feel dialed with the double 28's until last set.  Double 28 cleans better than before.  32's very good.

Double 24 front squats x 8
10+10 32kg rows, 28's middle
5+5 sdl 24
x 3

30/30 10 32kg swing to 10 28kg
x 5
5-1+5-1 single arm 24 x 3
10 alternating 24 to get to 100.

Mid-day Pradeep, smoking strong.

Dropping weight and adding strength since no alcohol in 2012.  Yoga practice markedly stronger, bells feel better.

Up to drive Shawn Colvin and catch chunk of her set 'till gotta get middle manchild from theater gig.  Jane Siberry comes out and they do a duet on Calling All Angels; leaves me in tears.  Finish my weak tea and out into the cold.

Thursday.  Planned rest.

Don't dwell upon time spent less than wisely.  There is nothing you can do.  Look forward.

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