Monday, June 18, 2012

Recovery (aka stop whining)

"Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things."
Ray Bradbury

"I'm like an old dog, I hate to be run off from home."
Doc Watson

RIP. World's been losing a lot of genius lately.

Monday (two weeks ago)
Into gym to pick up iron for first time in weeks. Goes like:
50 single arm swing 16kg alternating warm up
16kg long cycle c&p 5
24kg long cycle c&p 5
10 24kg goblet squats
10+10 28kg rows
20 24kg swings
1 24kg tgu
20 24kg snatches
All pretty good considering. Wanted to go 5 cycles but enough was enough.

Jury is not yet back. Thinking about doubling up with yoga and then CT, but feeling yesterday. Pleasantly feeling yesterday.
Opt for packed MH class and 60 min of hip openers. Much much better, especially one foot stuff. Kbells tomorrow.

Get on the ferry for first time in more than a month. Snarky pointless emails flying back and forth. Drama for the sake of it; I'd like to say spare me, but need the billables.

Jury comes back and we lose, sort of. It's set up for a tie at best. Everything I was responsible for was a winner, we beat their affirmative defenses. Client upset and wants me to take over.

Into gym. Still feeling Monday but not overly so, hit it.
60 35kg single arm swing warmup.

Double short cycle c&p
5 20kg
4 24kg
3 28kg
1+1 32 kg singles
Cannot hit triples with the 28 and need to break after 3. Cannot hit double 32s at all. Going up easy left but right groove is not there and it's going up wonky. Figure it out.

Double 24kg front squats, 8
5, then 3 assisted pullups, 16lb
20 figure 8 to hold, 10 20, then 10 24 middle set both 24
5+5 sls to
5+5 with 16kg bu
Frankly, enough.

In SR all day. Fucking wasting time I do not have; do not tell me what to say. Ever.
No exercise, which is fine.

Two court appearances in Alameda. Cannot stand the thought of sitting in the car on 80 again, jump on boat. It'll be so much better on the other end.
Get through, scheduling gods in my favor and only have two witnesses to prep for this weekend instead of three. Expert will fly out Tuesday, I'll deal with it then.
Hit 4:30 Pradeep. Awesome.

But ugly over the weekend. Client handed jury presentation to me Sunday so in addition to wrapping up crosses I am working on an opening. Long day Saturday, pretty long Sunday too, but done by 6:30.
No exercise and feeling very fat; there will be none until Wednesday at very earliest. Unless we settle. You gave it to me, now you get to listen to me.

And we do. Bloody, hard but right.
Straight into gym for 60 min Pradeep. Difficult, perfect.

Back to office digging out. Time for extended k bells:

60 single arm swing alternating warm up

Long cycle c&p

5 20
4 24
3 28
Single 32's

10 32kg goblet squats
10+10 28 kg renegade rows
5+5 sls to 5+5 bu 16's.
x 3

20 28kg swings to 1 tgu x 5

Good volume.

Out of the frying pan and all that.
Hit afternoon MH for 60 minutes of hamstring work. Whole body better.

BU practice for first time in months. Awful, then remember to focus on eyes and start to stick it. Reel off five 24kg twin bu clean and 15 second holds with no flopping around. Great oblique drill.
In later, feel like want to bag but go
16kg snatch 15/15 seven rep pace x 50. Headed for 70 but shut it down. S'ok.

Pradeep is gone so it's noon with MH. Another hamstring intensive, which can never get enough of.
Leave office early to go watch golf at SF Ferry Plaza Wine Bar where drink Pellegrino and get shit from bartender.

Shopping all day with Brigid. Re-stocking.

Hallmark holiday. Take B in to yoga where he rocks it out. Back up and to Annes for BBQ.

In for short but intense workout:
60 single arm 16kg swing warm up.
Long cycle clean and press doubles:
5 20
4 24
3 28
2+2 32 singles.
Right better but not yet where it was. Left is really good, hit one double felt like maybe three, next time.
10+10 step back lunges with 24 in rack.
10+10 28kg rows
10 32kg goblet squat
Enough left in the tank so can see CT tomorrow for like first time in a month.

A few weeks back I walked into Lululemon on Grant cause I needed a yoga towel and a shirt for a class I didn't know I'd have time to take. There was a retail therapy component. They were cranking AC-DC's Back In Black, very loud. Adrenaline kicked in I commented to the sales gal that it made me want to go move metal around instead of yoga. She put my 48.00 shirt in an expensive looking bag and smiled thinly. I asked if she'd knock four bucks off the shirt if I skipped the bag. No reaction. You're fun.

I look seriously ridiculous in Lululemon sleeveless. Those clothes are made for skinny little vegan yogi boys not middle aged heavy sweating trolls. The gun show looks massive and a joke.
I need to have someone follow me around and tell me not to do things like that. EliteEfts cotton works well. Sweat and quiet mind.  Do one, get the other.

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