Friday, October 12, 2012

That Time Of Year

"And I'm not sure what the trouble was that started all of this
The reasons all have run away but the feeling never did
It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live."
Conor Oberst, Lua

The A's won the AL West yesterday. The Giants have been dominant for a few months. 49ers started well, missteps in Minnesota but appear to have "rebooted" with a thorough shellacking of the Jets on Sunday last and a crushing destruction of Buffalo while we were listening to the Knitters and Boz.

So it'll be great sports in October [reality check, both baseball teams are down 0-2 as of this writing, may be worse by the time I hit post, so be it. Oops, no, its better, Giants came back in a three game sweep but A's got stearolled by Verlander]; the excitement down town will be palpable.
All of that takes a back seat this weekend as Hardly Strictly kicks off tomorrow. The annual three day blowout will start at noon. Time to play hooky and take B into the park where he will smile softly and dance, shyly at first, drop shyly quickly. Man knows what he likes. Hardly Shyly Bluegrass it is.

From Fito, like this.

In early for rows and wall sits, a few heavy cleans. Lunch with LD, then 4:00 meeting stretches to 7:45, three lawyers in a windowless room trying to get recalcitrant trustee to just MOVE. Apparent progress, be patient.
It's Indian summer and hit top of Lyon St. at 8:00, CT shows up to run stairs. I throw down VO2 max at 8 rep pace for 20 minutes and grab a quick bite for the long haul home.

Early am meeting re FUTURE. Need to blow off steam by noon, down to dank nowhere basement gym 30 one arm swing to 1 get up x 10. Late pm yoga.


Shoulders jacked up gonna try to squeeze in workout. Rows and back squats 's ok but got a bunch of work to get though. Back for late yoga, throw feet up wall and start snoring. Yep, I'm done.

First day of HSB. B is grinning ear to ear by 6:45 am. Stake out great turf, take the 5 down to the gym. Park in the yoga studio with two 24's:

press ladders 1-5+1-5
front squats, twin
20 renegade rows
20 snatches

Back and land for Simone Felice who is great. Chuck Prophet tears it up to a sleepy crowd who pick up to Summertime Thing.


Beachwood Sparks play a set of trippy California 90's beach space.

The big guns come out with Ben Kweller, who looks like a tiny little enormously talented 12 year old.

Jenny Lewis comes out late in short black dress. Watson Twins play stereo Doppelgangers. B rushes the front, no one gonna stop him.

Jenny lights it up like only she can; that red hair flying to the kickoff of See Fernando:

 If we could bottle that energy gas would not be 5.00 plus per gallon. Heart her more than a little.  Blew the clouds out of the sky with this:

Conor comes out, Barry gets down:

Can't do it. Shop, vacuum. Get over it.

In early with B. Drop tarp at Rooster and get on the bus. Do realfitmd's long cycle, burpee, goblet squat ladder, up and down.  Back to HSB.  Catch Jim Lauderdale and Buddy Miller.  Then head over to Star and watch Dave Alvin blow up the stage with his stratocaster:

Then its Boz, Nick Lowe, Todd Snider and The Civil Wars.  B and me, happy together in front of Conor:

Up front at a musical event is the one place folks accept B with no reservation.  The folks who I am sure would walk right by on the street without noticing him feed off of his joy.  He gets high fives, fist bumps; people want to take his picture.  Jenny Lewis smiled at him.  I need to find a way to replicate that often, improve his quality of life.  He loves dancing up front so.

Monday, yoga with Ally.

Tuesday, throw it down with CT late.  Pilates studio packed, people moving gently.  Except us, finishing off 40 minutes with six minutes of true Tabata throwing the 24, moving like a freight train.


Three times through the Destroyer complex.  Brutal.  Feel spent throughout the day but got back for 300 one arm sings and 10 get ups.  Boom.

Partner retreat.  Not my favorite activity, but it is that time of year . . . next is gonna bring change.

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