Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bandwagon Redux

"Poets are like baseball pitchers.  Both have their moments.  The intervals are the tough things."

Robert Frost
They did it again. Shut down pitching and sparkling D and the Giants are World Series champs for the second time in three years. The sports media have given them little credit (unlike people who actually know something, ie Jim Leyland) droning about the Detroit hitting not showing up; as Brian Wilson said: "maybe the pitching did."
He is spot on of course, but people always want to focus on what's going wrong than right. Highlight of the series has been @KaseyAnderson's hysterical mock exchanges between McCarver and Joe Buck:

McCarver: "I'm not sure we'll see Valmermaid again, folks."
Buck: "Valverde."
McCarver: "Vamvermon."
McCarver: "Correct."

 On the career front starting to back away from the ledge to either get a running start or turn away. If you're going to jump better make it a strong one lest you land on your face. Professional mantra: Don't be a fuck up.  Looks like it'll be a running start.

Have not posted since 10/12, suffice it again to say that the workouts and yoga classes have been many many many, such a busy bee. Wednesday 10/24 started a ten day swing intensive of 1000 24kg swings per day. Finished that Saturday 11/3. The breath ladders leave one glowing and CT's brutally efficient 80-60-40-20 ladder single arm swing ladder equals a ton of volume in a very short time. The 24kg has never felt so light and feeling strong strong strong. Yoga practice has slipped, checked that slide that this week.

We had a parade last Wednesday. Route was different and not nearly as photo friendly, but did get a decent shot of Hunter Pence. People were way happy and that all was way good.

More HSB photos, because B is so happy in them and so, therefore, am I:

Parade photos:

Saturday Austin City Limits, Civil Wars and Punch Brothers. Barry cracking up at Joy Williams. Punch Brothers great musicianship.

Sunday 11/4. Yoga, no swings. Ally playing good music.  All Sunday in the office, come up to cook really good dinner.


Throw down with CT, election day workout.  Impossibly good results and stay up late rolling in it.

Yoga, Pradeep.  Really really hard.

28kg fun:
1-3 c&p ladder
5 double 28 front squats
10+10 rows
30 one hand swings

Water rower, 5000 meters in 19:43.

Next three weeks are going to be very very interesting.

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