Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

"The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." 
Abraham Lincoln
Who would be the members of the 5-4 majority who decided Citizens United v. FEC.  Say what you will about Obama, but he was right to castigate the Supremes.  If Jay were still alive he would be 83 today and wondering why the citizenry is not in the streets with pitchforks.  Some inversions are not innocent; this one was not even insidious.   The Supremes were bald faced conspirators prostituting the First Amendment.  All those sci-fi movies pitching the unwashed masses against the cold power of corporate profiteers took one giant step toward reality, with a corresponding leap back for mankind.  Fuck, the effect of the Bush "legacy" has not yet begun to manifest itself.

Friday, three miles in the am, that's it.  Saturday, 90 minute MH class, another hour on TRX and doing stupid human tricks on a swiss ball.  Three miles in the marsh after.  Wanted to do a Kbell session but napped instead.  Get over it.
Sunday, three miles in the marsh with Ian and Brigid.  No fighting; they were thick as thieves and chuckle at the dissertations on effects pedals and evolution of rock and roll.  Ian, knowledgeably quizzing her about the Ramones.  Then into SF for CT group flogging.  Seven sets of 14+14 swings, to 5+5 press to 3+3 squats, then whatever punch kick combo she made up.
Punches/elbow strikes fun, kicks spastic.  All 16kg, save last set with 20, should have bumped it up earlier but it was a good sweat and energizing.  After to the Marina and watch CT suck down two organic vegan desserts while nursing a very good smoothie; like watching one of those circus acts with 13 clowns piling into a tiny car.  Head north in the dark and watch West Wing with Brigid.

Today, five hour hike on Burdell with Brigid and Rose.  Beautiful day, Brigid a trooper, plied with Safeway chicken wings and gross Sobe dreck.  Halfway through she is in a small oak, giggling, upside down, delighted, asking if I can climb trees; I decline, but only 'cause we need a bigger tree.  Jay would cry if he could see her now, and if he was aware; she is so strong and full of herself.  They loved each other so.

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