Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I and Love and You

“This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender.”
Pete Seeger's Banjo Head
Every time one clicked on the home page today; news about the latest Sports Illustrated cover model.  In honor of that, two of the most beautiful women alive today:  Gillian Welch and Emmy Lou Harris.
Felt hammered this morning from yesterday.  Not enough yoga lately so resolved to hit EH's 7:00 am.  Drag ass out at 5:45.  Stumble into the studio at 6:50.  EH playing the kind of folk indie dirge I can't seem to grow out of, Avett Brothers' I and Love and You.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p4c3AkhAaw.  Chorus "Brooklyn, Brooklyn . . ." immediately settling in for what turned out to be the day.  Last line of the song:  "three words that became hard to say, I and Love and You."  Good indie angst; we all want those three words to get easier over time, and it doesn't always work that way.  Even at advanced age.
Erika's class great.  Heavy sweat.  Fellow victim and me incredulous in the locker room after: "we just got beat up by a girl."
Sunday, three mile marsh walk before watching the Saints' win.  Flock of blackbirds split in two by a falcon as we were getting into the car, Ian saw it first.  He has a good eye.  Rose oblivious.
Monday, beat the crap out of me.  Five miles in the am, the step mill is vicious; an angry escalator.  Two miles on that, balance on elliptical.
10 TRX crunch to push-ups
10 TRX sprinters starts
5+5 c&p 24kg, 3+3 32kg push press
10+10 TRX bulgarian split squats
10+10 windmills, 16kg high, 12kg low
5+5x3 16/24kg snatches
2+2x2 24kg TGU
30 24kg swings
additional 10 snatches and swings to get each to 100
Some TRX woodchoppers to release the shoulders, down like water falls.

Later today, after EH sweatfest.
28 blocks up and down Broadway twice to pick up CL bells.
5 comes over, half assed participation in Brooks tape.  Few swings, but rows, push-ups, mountain climbers and cleans are ok.  Need 48 hours rest from Kbell training.  Just need it.  Tomorrow cardio, TRX and more yoga.
Spend more time settling into Avetts.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abQRt6p8T7g&feature=related  Then find this, enough to make me like Springsteen.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmWIxnVBU7w&feature=related
Avetts at the Fox 4/17.  Good date with Barry.  Those three words still easy sometimes.

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