Saturday, May 22, 2010


"Those dogs that love the rain and chasing trains
The colored birds above their running"
Iron & Wine, The Trapeze Swinger

Damn you eh for another fucking indie dirge.
Gonna crawl around this sap's head until ousted by another.
walk with Ian & dog.
Sunday, same but add Brigid; late pm like:
20/20 push-ups, 10 x 8 sets, 80
10 24kg goblet squats
press work
1-3 double 20kg; 4-5 single 24
2+2 28, good
1+1 32, fail on left
30/30 20 28kg swings
x 10,
Monday, three miles am,
pm, Pradeep's psycho drill sergeant flow class
Tuesday, three miles
In the evening out to Zachary's on College with DW and up to palace in progress on Skyline.  Beautiful house, views.  Lots of squatting down to look at finishes, up down up down.  No knee cracks, no joint stress, feel like a machine; functional fitness in action.  Dropped at Rockridge at 8, on the 8:50 and home to depressed dog.
three miles am, then pm
5+5x2 push-ups to 24kg renegade rows
5+5 sls
Press work
1-5 24kg clean to press ladder
1+1 32kg press, close on left, still failing
20 walking lunges, 30lb barbells each hand
30/30 20 24kg swings
Three miles am
Bail early to eh 4:30 class, BART stars align and in the studio by 4:10, legs up the wall; eh comes in early:  "Have a song for you, David."  Trapeze Swinger, 2010 version of a road song.  Great class, she is the second favorite yoga instructor, could be tops.
Two miles am, suit guy up to Woolard's courtroom where get nowhere; she was right of course.
Into office for new battles, hit gym by 2:45.
pushups, 20/20 10x8reps, smoked halfway through, and by 7 and 8 come up three and then two short, clean up later.
10+10 TRX split squats
3-1 pull-up ladder 28, then 40 lbs assistance.  Quite possibly the worst reps on anything I have done in 12 months.  Arms just dead.
45 sec TRX mountain climbers
20 24kg swings
1+1 24kg TGU
That took a ridiculous 40 minutes, but TGU's are slow, and spend a lot of time in the fetal position pretending to get the bell centered, and then roll over to stare at the ceiling.
Felt like slogging through wet cement.
Down to ferry stopping for emails along the way, friday pm tie ups, yes yes we will be talking next week, hopefully a lot.
Need food, Hanako in Delica; if go in she will give me a big smile and tell me I look nice.  She does not disappoint and off on the boat.
Sat., three miles with Ian 's metal stream of conscious and the dog.
mixed in all of above every day is gtg on 24kg bu cleans and presses.  Sticking right np, left getting better and better.

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