Thursday, July 22, 2010

Burning through the Fog

"I like playing in Oakland, they have colorful uniforms"

Rickey Henderson

Colorful it is.

Thursday 7/15, four miles, no mas;
Friday, 7/17 another three mile crap day, from a workout standpoint, Rose loved the marsh.

Saturday, 7/18.  Three miles am, pm, feeling drag ass but not skipping.  Fairly lightweight deal like this:
10 Dolphin to Dolphin plank, slow
10 24KG Goblet squats
Press work, forget 32, it's hot and right shoulder is mildly verbal from earlier press fest
5+5 16kg
4+4 20kg
3+3 24kg
2+2 28kg
20 20kg tactical lunges
30/30 20 swings, 24 kg x 10
Sunday, nothing.  Do some Yoshi's runs in am, Rohn Lawrence from Pieces of a Dream and Jessy J.  Both are delightful.
Then it's Audrey's memorial in pm and I am rocked.  All those people I have known for so long.  I want to stand up and just tell them how beautiful they are, how I don't want to do this sort of thing again, but know we will and too soon.  That gets mixed up with Jay nearly three years ago and I can't talk but that's ok; the tribe gathers when members move on but no one has to do anything.  The dysfunction is acknowledged and shoved aside for what really matters; we shared formative time, laughed a lot and care deeply.  Barry gets it, everyone gets a hello and a hug.  Brigid loved Audrey and is a bit stunned, but her helpful self.  Ian and his mother no shows as is usually the case; there is always something more important to do.  For my part going to have to be sad for a bit.
Monday 7/19.  It has to be a back-off week, busy and I need it anyway.  AM workout like this:
10 pushups to 5+5 renegade rows, 24kg x 2
10 24kg goblet squats, really slow and strong
windmills, 3+3 12kg bottoms up, 7+7 16kg
20 walking lunges, 35lb dumbbells
x3, then 40 pushups in sets of 10 to get to 100.
TRX work
5+5 rows to bicep curls, sllooww
10+10 lo to high woodchoppers
Tuesday, nothing, too much work.
Wednesday 7/2
20/20 10 pushups each x8

5+5 sls, then 5+5 12kg bu sls
10+10 60lb dumbell rows
10 80lb barbell squat to press
x3, not the push-ups, last three circuits, are you nuts ?

30 24kg x5, alternating with 10 32kg x5
between each, 1+1 TGUS like this
1-3, 12kg bu
4-6, 24kg
6-10, 50lb barbell
Relaxing TRX stretch after.

Get CS on the line after months of bullshit and tear him a new one for mc, sometimes I love my job.

pm, absolutely smoking MH class.

Busy day laced with hard meetings.  Finish at 6:00, 45 minutes of recap emails, get two miles on elliptical.
Then up to CT studio, fun on a late weeknight.
Some yoga poses to start, love the full body triangle experience.
Kick into Kbell gear
Descending swing ladders 5-1 30/30, 20 each, stick with 20kg given previous day's swing fest
10 box squats alternating.
1+1 TGU, right bad, really bad, due to sweat slippage.  Fucking around with G on bu stuff after, fun and will do more of, gonna kick his young ass on the 24 left next week.
Shitty wf sushi dinner on drive up.  Dog ecstatic upon arrival, as usual.  Humming.

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