Sunday, July 4, 2010


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Declaration of Independence

"There is no such thing as luck."
Obi Wan Kenobi

"Make it so."
Jean luc Picard

Fuck the fireworks, I'd like to join Brigid up there, in the hammock at Uncle John's, for Anne's 83rd, 7/3.  Unbelievable bbq salmon, potato salad, veggies.  Yum.
Actually pretty shitty at the Lyon Street steps 6/29.  Swings and TGU's flat after Sunday.  Need to practice sub maximal and stop being a dick.
Went like this:
20/20, 10 slow push-ups x8
20 tactical lunges 20kg
5+5x2 20kg snatches
5+5 single leg deads 16kg
x3, 40 more snatches, 40 more pushups to get to 100 each.
20 24 kg swings x 5
1+1 24 tgu for active rest. Stop before I hurt myself.
three miles am, pm mh yoga, good
gonna be a swing fest on 7/4, so TRX only
12 atomic push-ups
10+10 split squats
5y,w,row,bicep curl, really slow
20 walking lunges, double 35's, trainers and clients fleeing as I head toward them breathing like Darth.  But the form is solid and good.  Thanks Casey.
TRX sls side, 18lb medicine ball
10+10 military curls
10+10 lo to high woochoppers, pull down lats, serratus, all of it and purr.
10 reverse pull-ups off of Smith machine.  It is good for something.
Aiming for yoga pm but can't get there.
In honor of thinking sub maximal steal Rif's back off press workout
Warmup Swings
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x5/5x4
Clean and Press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x5/5 x 5
20 kg x5/5 x 5
Took no time, focus is on volume press work which was no problem at all.
7/3, three mile Marsh walk with Ian.  Crazy beautiful.
7/4.  Long ass wait on the corner of Vallejo and Machin waiting for them to get Garbarino's ego trip out of the way so we can walk our dogs down Grant street in the 95 degree heat.  Barry is delighted so it's worth it.  Got a fair amount of mileage in just running around; I'll call it two but that is light.  Rose hot, tired and fried.
Race into City late for CT swing fest; think I'm gonna be late, too hot, stuck in traffic psychic crap.
But by the time hit Richardson Bay bridge, wind is blasting the heat away no traffic energy level soaring; crap blows out with western breeze.  Pick up CT for 1776 swing fest with Dan P and Bob ?, in the park on Page.  Beautiful breezy day with light bouncing off of the surrounding buildings, Dan is a perfectly delightful fellow victim and CT has it dialed in.  Some trepidation, we kick it off:
1:53, at 1300 we knew we would make it, insane swing count totally doable given CT's plan which undoubtedly took only a modest amount of her considerable brain power; happy to have it.
All pretty happy, hands fucked but better now.
That hammock looks really really good . . .this is why I love the Internet

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