Friday, July 30, 2010

Dog Days

"I will try to make myself worthy of your trust."
Daniel Schorr @themaninthehat, 12:29, February 28, 2009

RIP DS, will miss your voice.  It would be nice if all journalists made such a commitment.  Instead, with the exception of Jim Lehrer and his crew, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert,  I wonder who to distrust least.  There is little in the way of commitment to reporting; the news is dominated by partisan bickering  and grandstanding.  News anchors just serve up softballs to the shouter on the left and the screamer on the right, and if we are lucky David Gergen is in the middle.  It sucks, and is getting worse.

Friday off day.
Saturday, three mile marsh walk That was only four exercise days last week and I felt better for it.  Need to get smarter about backing off; any success here is sure to be temporary.

Grinding work all weekend and gonna blow off kbells on Sunday, email comes in, we are outside on Marina Green and that tips it the other way.  Rose gets a good swim, nice hour workout in the spitting fog on the green.  I hope I am not as paunchy as that photo makes me look.
Monday, five miles
Tuesday, three miles in the am, nine and a half hours of mediation to a very very successful end.  Cooked, leave, gonna bag any thought of pm workout.  Client reminds me, "David, go do it.  You told me not to let you skip without at least chiding you."  Didn't remember that, but whatever.  Hit the gym at 7:30, goes like this:
5 burpees to renegade rows to suitcase deads, 24kg.
10 box squats, 22lb bar overhead, to 10 double 16kg squat to press
3+3 24kg MP, to 1+1 32 kg MP
20 walking lunges, 35lb dumbbells
30/30 20 24kg swings, x10.
After running on adrenaline and caffeine all day, that was plain shitty.  The only thing that felt good were the heavy presses on the right, though I did get two out on left.  Glad I did it, but was not one of those times where you push to start, and shitty becomes good after 20 minutes.  This was shitty all the way, and almost never feel like that.
Wednesday, 60 min MH class, then up to CT for 30 min blast
10 24kg suitcase deads
10 burpees
5+5 20 kg long push press
10+10 24 kg swings
Very little time between sets and circuits and was a drenching 30 minutes.
1+1 20 kg tgu.
Thursday, totally great 60 min EH class.  Bunch of trainers in there, she is the real deal.

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