Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Beautiful Strings

"Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.  Indeed, the evidence shows that Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same sex couples.  Because California has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis, the court concludes Proposition 8 is unconstitutional."
Perry v, Schwarzenegger, Vaughn Walker, Chief Judge, U.S.D.C., N.D. Cal.

Sing it Judge.  A concise conclusion after a 136 page evisceration of the Proposition, the hate behind it, and the abysmal effort to defend it.  Stay tuned.
Friday, three miles in am.  PM, into sf, driving Larry Carlton and crew around while mixing work fairly adeptly if I do say so.  Very nice people;  after sound check (a real treat) "Ok David, we'll see you tonight at the show."  Umm, may not make it.  "What, well you'll come tomorrow then."  Lamely, uhmm, I'll try.  Road crew shaking their heads.
So Saturday, feeling strong 'cause no kbells since Wednesday, goes like:
10 dolphin to dolphin plank
10 20kg goblet squats
5+5 16
4+4 20
3+3 24
2+2 28
1+1 32
It's all play until the 28, but 32 shooting up both sides, all three circuits.  Best press session, ever.
10+10 20kg tactical lunges
Swings, 30/30, 20 per, descending ladder, five rungs each 28-16, 400 swings total.
Call comes in a 6:30, have an 8:00 ticket, drop B with Anne and into Yoshi's for the 8:00 set, awesome musicianship.  "Glad you made it David." Oh yeah, and back up by 9:45.
Sunday, three miles
Monday, Good work day, just angry I have to do it.  Workout goes like:
20/20, ten push-ups x 10.
5+5 step-ups to 12 inch box, double 16's.
10+10 60lb dumbbell rows, these are awesome
10 slow box squats, 22lb body bar.
30/30 20 24kg swings, to 1+1 24kg tgu, x 10.  Uh huh, felt great.
Tuesday.  Felt like prey all day.  Angry, fucking livid in fact, at my partners, one for being quietly  passive aggressive and the other for having the audacity to take a two week vacation after his abysmal year.  Around 4:00, tired of the pity party and resolve to light fires and start blowing shit up.  Now that feels better, predator, not prey.  Walk dog late with Ian.
Today, four miles am.  SLS on heavy bottoms up.  Good productive day at work.  Yeah, your vacation is fucked for this year, but it is not your time on the clock.  You can descend to their level and gin up some sense of entitlement, but fuck that.  Just do the work, make the calls and fry some asses.
PM, not feeling sharp but:
5+5 x 2 pushups to renegade rows, 50lb dumbbells
10 box squats, 22 lb bar, to 10 ten double 16kg squat to press
MP, 3+3 24kg, to 1+1 32kg, unlike sat not a single clean press on left.  More down time needed.
5+5 sls, with 12kg bottoms up.
Snatch session, 15/15, seven rep pace, x 30.

Cardio in the morning, more blowing shit up, and close with EH 60 min class tomorrow.

Try to breath deep, and not think murderous thoughts.  Don't read junk emails while driving.  Scratch your dog.  Think well of Vaughn Walker.  HSB line-up comes out at 4 tomorrow.  Smile, not maniacally.

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