Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Night Owls

"And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
    They danced by the light of the moon,
          The moon,
          The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon."
Edward Lear

I am not speaking figuratively here.  I am not talking about my rotten teenagers, who stay up until all hours on the weekends, wallowing in the wasteland that is premium cable.  I am not talking about those clients who email me at 3:35 a.m. (I am told, by marketing consultant, this is a good thing:  "they are up, can't sleep, and reach out to you.."  Yes they do, but better to reach over to the other side of the bed and maybe get laid instead of billed . . .)
I am not even talking about Edward Lear, though B loves this ditty.  I am talking about Bubo Virginianis.  I am talking stereo Great Horned owls under a good sized moon.  I am talking the bird the size of a twenty pound cat that flew off the telephone pole, just as I got the flash up, just as I dialed up the shutter speed and maxed out the ISO to a tolerable grainy effect while Rose gazed over the deserted movie theater parking lot and had to be called "off" of the popcorn bag holding the promise of a few stray kernels.  The "off" cost me the shot, but it's a good memory.

That was Tuesday night.  Everyone off at a dress rehearsal; I get in at 7:50 with Rose looking hopeful.  I am tired and cooked from a long day and a 100's workout, (see below) but cave to her brown eyes by 8:50 and take her out alone in the dark in VFF with a 22 ounce Sapporo left over from the bluegrass festival.  Marsh is a noisy place at night.  Pockets of ducks are mumbling and the perpetually pissed geese are hissing.  Rose is chasing up Black Crowned Night herons which fly off croaking and and Killdeer shriek as we approach.  VFF make this walk an entirely different experience.  I can feel every rock pebble or twig; not in an uncomfortable way, just connected.  Am also MUCH quieter and when walking over the matted dead grass of the south side straight shot back hardly make a sound.  Our sudden appearance scares up few small rabbits but Rose stays off, night time is dangerous enough for these critters without having to flee from a good-natured tail wagging Labrador.  Coming back the owls start up in stereo and get a long look at the bird on the left; bird on the right is invisible, just low soft sound coming out of the black.  The place smells good too.
Nothing Sunday.  Raining and lazy.
Monday.  Pradeep class late.  His Monday class is a killer and I love it.  It is just the mat and sweat in a packed studio but the vibe he creates is remarkable.  The whole class is jazzed before and after.
Tuesday, 60 minute volume workout, totals like this:
100 push ups
100 body weight box squats
100 24kg strict mp
100 walking lunges with twin 35lb dumbbells
200 24kg swings.
That took an hour and was, conservatively, 38,000 pounds, weighted lunges talking to me today.  Hello ass, it is sore.
Rubber hitting the road with lending institutions all day and get in for MH late.  Sore but he makes me bring it.  Oh yeah, and the Giants won.

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