Thursday, October 28, 2010

Travels with Brigid

"I had seen so many begin to pack their lives in cotton wool, smother their impulses, hood their passions, and gradually retire from their manhood into a kind of spiritual and physical semi-invalidism. In this they are encouraged by wives and relatives, and it's such a sweet trap."
John Steinbeck, Travels With Charley

Indeed.  I watched Weeds last night with Brigid.  Then we watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the episode where Dracula gets eurotrashed.  We shut that down and start talking, she is reading Of Mice and Men and loving it, then we move on to East of Eden.  We watched the movie a few years ago, and she was riveted and picked up the book.  First literature ever saw her read.  Not like Ian, who goes nowhere without a big book in his pocket.  I would have put that down to James Dean, but that did not seem to be it.  So an old copy of Travels With Charley has been floating around the mess that is the family room for about a year and she picks it up.  She reads about it and sees it won the Pulitzer prize for literature; her eyebrows go up.  "I'd like to drive around the country in a camper with a dog and you," she says.  I can't think of anything I would love to do more.  I ask her to read me the first paragraph which these days is my favorite.  She does, stumbling over "senility;" I say yeah, as in senile.  She lights up: "oh, that's funny then."  Uh-huh.  We chat a bit longer, and it's nearly midnight so I shut it down, she says "goodnight, love you Dad," starts to scamper up the stairs.  She stops, reverses course and scampers back down to snatch Steinbeck of the shelf like Barry moving in fast to snag the last cookie.  Slays me. 

Flying all day and race in fast for V02 max, 15/15 x 52 with 16kg at 7 rep pace.
Also a busy day, hour long MH class.  Right shoulder mildly hinkey from prior snatchfest.  He starts of with a rap about a class at another studio, guessing full of Castro beefcake, where all the guys were doing multiple multiples on their chaturanga's which MH says wears down the shoulders; at 55 he knows and at 51 I believe him.  So he had them taking their five breath rest in plank instead of downward dog.  Folks groaned but he said (no Castro pun intended) "no, you can cruise in plank, really."  And you can.  If you are going out at 100%, dropping back to 80%  works to reinvigorate - just enough extra oomph over the lunch hour.
Saturday, shuffling kids, working in the pouring rain.  Giants improbable run to the Show continues; this town is gonna be a blast this week.  No sweat.
Sunday, more rain and looking forward to ct at 4:30.  Ian advises that he is going on a hike with his friend, she shows up with nervous mother:  "you will be here, right, you are not going anywhere ?"  Guess not.  Settle for late walk in marsh with appreciative Labrador.

Monday.  In really early, hit gym by 7:00:
5+5 x 2 pushups to renegade rows, 55lb dumbbells
5+5x2 sls, bodyweight first, then 35lb plate
Presses, 5+5 20, 4+4 24, 1+1x2 32
10 squat to press, 90lb barbell
3x, shit load of press work which I felt today
30/30 20 24kg swings x 10, few sets of assisted pull-ups at break
Horrible, sad dinner.
early evening, four miles elliptical, bunch of bu press work.
hit gym during the early part of the first game of the 2010 Series, goes like
20/20 10  push ups x 8
10 24kg gs
5 pull ups, 22lb assist
5+5 double 20kg squat to press, the 5+5 singles
3x, ten slow push ups circuits 2/3
5+5 20kg windmills, 12kg low
2+2, 1+1 24kg tgu
Coach Dos circuit, 16kg bottoms up on cleans and presses, save last on left, no mas.  Five minutes straight work each circuit.
Brigid comes in on ferry, we head up to Yoshi's to watch game and listen to Leo Kottke.  Giants score 6 in fifth and win 11-7.  Kottke is a genius, and toward the end of the set plays Corinne Corinna, and Little Martha, which Leo notes came to Duane Allman in a dream.  Brigid is into Leo, but she is tired and worn down.  Face plant upon arrival.
Getting away would be a very good thing; we did for a bit after short-changing her this summer.

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