Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Ok to Be Weird

 "I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else." 

Dolly Parton
Dolly, tearing "Seven Bridges Road" to pieces, Jerry Douglas on dobro . . .  Happy Birthday, Beautiful.  It was a very nice day here.

My current favorite client has been fired by at least three prior lawyers.  The other three who did not fire her took advantage of her in the worst way.  Been the third and fourth before but never the seventh.  On only two occasions have there been others after me.  My partner wanted nothing to do with her, nor did the half dozen or so family law specialists she tried to hire.  I like her, psychiatric history and all.  Got her hooked up with one of the best family law lawyers in the state, who, like me, told her she will get nothing but a straight read, will not be a mouth piece, and if she doesn't like it, should go elsewhere.  This client said to me on the telephone, as I was slouched against the Grant street gate to Chinatown off of Bush, that she had written to a friend as follows: "What's great about my new lawyer also is his sense of humor and his ability to see the limits of justice through the eyes of compassion."
This is one of the nicest things any client has ever said to me.  Nearly started bawling on the sidewalk.

Walk in am with number one dog.  Spend day cleaning; drop b and b off at annes. Workout like this watching football:
5+5 20kg, 5+5 24kg, 1-3 28kg ladder
10 24kg goblet squats
10+10 28kg rows
10+10 step back lunges, 20kg in rack
30/30 20 28kg swings x 5
30/30 20 24kg swings x 5

Sunday, marsh walk
Monday, mlk day blowout, kettlebells + yoga double your fun
5+5 20, 4+4 24, 1+1 32x2
10 twin 16 front squats
10 reverse pullups off of smith machine, very slow coming down on ecentric portion
10+10 step back lunges, 45lb oly bar on shoulders
Best 32kg presses ever.  Went up smooth both sides, no break.
Coach dos circuit 16kg
1+1 oly bar snatch, windmill, tgu
90 minute break, then smoking eh class, next to trainers SR and SM, 20 years younger but they were as gassed as, or more than, me.

No matter how much other shit is going down, and it is coming down, choose strength.  And stop whining.

Tuesday, nothing.
Going to be a grind of a day with mediation in the afternoon.  Get in, do half a workout if you have to, don't skip.  35 minutes like:
5+5 x 2 pushups to renegade rows, 50lb dumbbells.  Go slow, don't drop anything early.
20+20 bulgarian split squats, body weight only, stay over hips, weight through heel, do not let quads take over.
10 squat to press, 90lb barbell.
Bridge, 1 foot up ten seconds, then other x 3
supermans, ten second hold x 3.
fucking around with bu press, right 24 going up easy, left twice.
Upstairs to play with the 40kg, pressing that thing is a long way off.  just do some cleans to feel what it is like to move it around.
They use them to tie ropes to.
No one picks those things up.
I am going to because I am just weird like that.

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