Saturday, May 14, 2011

Love This Town

"You look back and see how hard you worked and how poor you were, and how desperately anxious you were to succeed, and all you can remember is how happy you were."

Jack London, on living in San Francisco

Sunday.  Hallmark holiday, no workout, just four hours of cleaning before mixed grill of Tri tip; sausages, lamb. Uh huh.
Brigid sore from parkour still.

Monday, feeling thick. Head in late evening and go as follows:
10+10 16kg x 5 single are swing warm up
5 double 20 kg c&p
4 double 24
3 double 28
1+1 32 x 2
Very good on the 32
5 burpees to suitcase deeds twin 32
10+10 28 kg rows
10 deck squats, 8 then 4kg counter balance

30/30 20 swings x 6 alternate 28/24

Shut it down after 6, grip going and back talking, bad combo.

Shitstorm 18 months in making hits with ex parte noticed for following morning. Client freaking and drinking by noon; by 6 cops are at the house and their already strained marriage is in shambles. Alternating between them until 6:30, parked at Gough and Grove.
Finally back out entirely. This is not my job.  You, chill.  You, into rehab.  Me, into ct for 45 like this bitchin' little circuit
20 16kg hot potato
8+8 around world slings
10+10 spider planks
5 24kg jerks to 10 single arm swings then other side.

Prevailed at ex parte now real fun begins. Grind of a day; get in late for mh, first class in a week goes crazy strong.

I have so much work to do it's nuts. Beautiful morning. Open house cocktail party at 5 to trumpet arrival of jmb 3. What ev. Bail at noon to throw iron for a little.
Press circuits
1-3 ladders 20, 24, 28, 1+1 32x2
2 jesus get ups, 16kg vipr overhead
5x2 slow crush curls, 24kg
10 double 20kg squats
That's it. Gotta go be social.

Very good open house.  Build construct to hate this shit; outside comfort zone after all.
Wrong. Much much synergy between clients and good showing from my group "oh we had to come to support dbt."
Gratifying; why the surprise ?  Been there for them for years-through bet the business deals and through crushing conflict. So they show up and support, why does this mean more ?
Because it shows the thank you at the end meant something. For all of the turmoil and ineptitude in your personal life, you deliver the service in a way that hits people deep; that they will pay hourly rates you could not afford yourself, and still feel desire to support.
Loyalty. I salute the spirit within you.
Spend much time talking to CG about SF, her current favorite buildings.
Calls are not going to start until 9:30.  In by 8:00 to work on standing on head.  Spend 25 on headstands, slowly getting better.  Then downstairs to grease the groove on BU.
Fuck around working on 16's and single 24's.  Can't get the 24 doubles, left always slipping down.
Pick up 28, boom, no problem right.  Expected that.  Boom, no problem left.  Surprise PR.  Do that a few more times cleanly.  Pick up the double 24's again.  Careful not to over-accelerate on hip snap.  Stick it cleanly, and hold for 10.  Again, and again.  Goody.
In by 9:30, do not put down the phone until 12:55.  Escape for brief walk and check out lobby of 560 Mission about which CG raving the night before.  It is beautiful:

Busy day but in jeans and bailing for 5:30 class and then to meet Brigid for blues guitar extraordinaire Roy Rogers at Yoshi's.  Pradeep was advertised this morning, and been looking forward to all day.Instead its a very young, precious, fey sub who is completely full of himself.  No music, just him talking.  Hate this class; whole practice is supposed  be about absence of ego but this guy's is huge.  There are many in class who are not in shape, but he is calling up backbends and sequences that only one person in class other than he can pull off.  What a douche.  Never again.
But he does provide fodder for fun with Brigid and she is giggling loudly as I mimic him headed west on Pine.
We watch Roy and Carlos Reyes tear it up.  Slide guitar and harp ?  Oh yes, I think so . . .
 Business calls in am.  Walk patient dog for 75 min in marsh, feeling it get colder.  Wash dishes.  Wash and shave Barry.  Drop off Barry.  Feed Ian.  Shop for groceries.  Shop for wireless adapter.  Shop for hand tools.  Nap.  Nada mas.

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