Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Orange Cats

"How hard would it have been to say some kinder words instead . . ."
Patty Griffin, Long Black Limousine


Samantha Stollenwerck: 

I love Patty.  But Samantha owns this tune.  Brigid still sleeps in the Tshirt Sam autographed for her six years ago at the Fillmore.  How hard would it have been indeed.

There are two large orange cats in the house and one elderly moth eaten chihuahua. Part of the revolving door of foster animals whose food dishes Rose grazes on frequently. She has gotten so damn fat . . . walked in relatively early Monday to Brigid with red-rimmed eyes cause c and i were teasing her about something and i had been left in charge of the now fragrant pork roast. I do not understand the reflexive cutting remark or the incredible burden of it all. Redirect the response; walk with Brigid and the recently well-fatted Labrador through Pioneer park. In and around the old graveyard, headstones from the 1800's in the middle of the suburbs. Emails come in for mediator work while standing amidst graves of settlers.  They hire me to settle the case, marketing company suing publishers of gay porn for multiple six figures of unpaid invoices.  That will be a really fun day.  Really.
Walk with dog and off with Ian to REI to buy backpack for Kenya trip. Memorial Day sale feels like hand to hand combat. Spend three hours of retail warfare with Marin County white people over high tech gear.  Then go buy on-line.  Smirk at all the green gear being loaded into Land Rover 4x4's after an hour wait in the cashier's line.
In for EH 90 minute mass; try not bawl at the end. Then office for snarky letter and depo prep; up to ct for hour class where it's Brett Jones' swing and descending squat circuit. Then a bunch of mobility work including some very good shoulder /rotator cuff figure eights with bent elbow and light weight. Beats the hell out of the stock up down up down lying on the side rehab exercise I have done and see people doing all the time, little sheets of white paper in hand. That alone worth price of admission.
San Jose for waste of time depositions. Leave and do earlier Molly Fox class rather than EH. Molly is closer to my age than the usual, except MH. She really teaches rather than just calling out poses and practice improves for it. I can hang out in plank all day but prayer twist from high lunge can be a bitch for me and the way she sets up the twist is really good.   "Build the pose from the ground up."  Words to live/breathe by.

Complete total grind and pissed at wayward client.   Stick with the program.  Get in or get out.  Yes I will talk to your shrink; don't expect me to validate your actions.  Look her up.  Harvard Med, fit, betting she is a yogi.
But I am fucking stressed by the time I hit the gym.  Cortisol levels elevated and l/4-5 making presence known loudly.  Start it up and hoping it gets better:
10+10x5 16kg swings
20 alternating 28kg chest press from floor, flip to 10 pushups
5+5 single leg deads, twin 16
20 renegade rows, 24kg
10 deck squats, 4kg counterweight.
Feel no better after that.  Do a couple of swings set and shut it down.  Was the deck squats that killed it.  Resolve to finish in am.
Good call the day before.  MUCH better.  In by 7:30, go:
20 swings to TGU x 10.  First 5, 24 kg TGU, last 5 28.
Stand on head.  Handstand prep crow.  Stick double 24 bu cleans and hold for ten count.
Good all the way around.
Nutso day.  By 5:00 on unnecessarily long conference call with client 1.  Thinking about upcoming call with client 2.  Revising letter for client 3.  Ignoring drunk dialing calls from client 4.  C texting me about insurance problems for B.
Leave at 6:00; hoping to catch 6:20.  Client 3 emails, letter has math errors.  Can I kill fed ex ?  No problem, on it.  Back to office, scramble for numbers.  Race to catch 7:20.  Thank god for morning workout.
Great sky on way up.  Look and breathe.  Treasure the transition.
 It will be more of the same tomorrow.  Enjoy all of it.  Consider your good fortune.  Take nothing for granted.  Go to EH class tomorrow, do not fail in that, or anything else.
Orange cats are great.

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