Monday, August 24, 2009

The Musings - 32 kg TGUS and sick Reverse Triangle Variation

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Hunter S. Thompson Backpacking with Rose and Brigid 8/9-8/16. Had the Kelty mini-van 6500 cubic inches strapped to the back and could have walked forever. With Brigid it is all about creek walks and swimming holes. Was off balance and precarious all week but trouble spots were minor and the back felt good. Functional fitness in action. Have not been out of the gym for that long since the last trip two years ago. Rose's feet suffered; not as bad as last time. Her retrieving drive is not her friend here. She cannot bear to have us in the water unless she is there too and no matter how sore her feet, she hauls herself up to follow, stick in mouth. Up at 6, back at the gym, this morning was: First circuit Push-ups to renegade rows, 24kgx12, 6l, 6r single leg squats to 12"step, 2"pad on right, 4" on left, 10 each side 24kg cleans, slow and careful after watching ETK again, 10 each side forearms unscathed; Pavel says your press is only as good as your clean. Truer words never spoken. Front squat, 24kg, 12 3x through. Second Circuit Lat pulls, 10 plate, 8 wide grip, five narrow Single arm 24kg swings, 30 seconds a side TGU 32kg, 2 per side woodchoppers, 6.5 plate, ten per side. 3x through. 32kg TGU's were the centerpiece of the second circuit. Been pushing the 28 at home, 32 felt good, save weak wrist on the second both sides. All to try to make the 24 light, will keep pushing this. The single arm swings went well, trolling found Jeff Martone's You Tube vid on swing basics, good explanation of the one arm swing. I had been rotating the thumb back causing the shoulder to rotate inward on the down swing which was causing strain on the way back up. Kept them tight and focussed and they went much better. Also really tried to feel lats engaging coming up; Pavel talks about a turtle pulling its head in. Good article here, focus on firing the lats completely controls the swing, takes the arms out of it and protects the back, scourge of my training. Evening was an hour long Dynamic Vinyasa class, with a tremendous hamstring stretching straight leg reverse triangle. Also a new transition going from high crescent to chair, by first putting all the weight on the front leg, leaning forward, engaging core and bringing the rear leg up slowly to meet the leading. Rock solid. Major hamstring work felt great after morning. Rose got screwed out of an evening ball session due to lateness of hour, make it up tomorrow . . . at least she got the left over pot pie.

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