Sunday, August 30, 2009

Musings - Reality Check

"Well I gotta say lady, you're my kinda stupid." Malcom Reynolds, Heart of Gold Friday 8/28 was a day filled with good intentions. Planned a big blow out, yoga and a long beer walk with buddy and the dog to end the last day at 49. Hit the gym by 8:15. Emails and the phone kept busy till 8:50. Got the mile in on the elliptical, workout went like this: First Circuit 15 push ups, feet elevated, one foot up for first eight, switch last seven; 10 true deadlifts, 155, 175, 185 10 rows, 60lbs, l/r 15 Tactical Lunges, 16kg, alternating sides. 3x Second Circuit 8 snatches, l/r, 45 lb oly bar 30 swings (60 sec) 2 TGU's, each side, 32 kg, 2 each side 24kg Planks, 75 sec., one foor up each side, 15 sec. 2x, interrupted third First two went great, except snatching an oly bar is nothing like a kbell. Clanged off the machines once and one of the trainers had a pregnant client within ten feet. Fled to more open space and it was better. Last circuit, 10 minute call after second killed swings and TGU's got in the snatches and planks, but swings and TGU's were out of the question due to forced cool down. Killer 60 minute vinyasa class. Client drama all afternoon and rolled up to home by 4. Its 98 in the shade and the beer walk is out of the question. Cancel and head out for indian dinner. Good. Rose got ball play. Birthday, fully intended to go for 90 minute yoga, but hottest night ever. No sleep and Saturday brought more heat. Took Brigid up to buy her dream bmx off of Craigslist for 60.00, hit the Napa farmer's market and back home. Marsh walk was out of the questiton, took the boys to see District 9. Metamorphisis with handheld camera, great movie. Dinner and football with all extended family. Slept outside with Brigid, heat broke, Rose was noisy all night, barking at phantom threats. Second night with little sleep, but at least it was cool. Sunday's reality check was a two hour kbell seminar. Had heard it before but Patrick J. had great kbell form. Pointers: Don't be afraid to hike it back. Need to stay harder in the core, not lean back in swings. Selling me on the RKC high hip bridge for TGU's, tried it, may not bite. Snatches were good, but lock out. Left is weak. Heaviest bell was a 20 kg; not much for rows. Worth doing and good to meet two other enthusiasts. Afternoon, walked the Haight with Ian buying back to school black clothing. Fun, he slept in the car on the way home and looked like a baby. Raced home, out again for Costco TJ's run, finally home at 6:45, cook dinner. Only exercise Rose gets is chasing the wayward rabbit back in the house after dark, but she was joyful.

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