Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Musings - Small Muscles and Sharp pains

"It is better to send in the Peace Corps than the Marine Corps." Ted Kennedy I would love to have the muscle recovery and cartilage to handle landings from jumps like Brigid's up there. That was taken at a about 7:30 a.m. two years ago at Capitol Reef in south central Utah. She was 11, the landing would have put me in the hospital. Even now, you train and train but we are just buying time. At least its worth the price. This morning felt like a drag ass Wednesday but that faded when the coffee and Ibuprofen kicked inby 7:15 . Went like this: First Circuit Floor press, 20 alternating L/R with 24kg, immediately flip to 10 pushups, hands on bells; 20 box squats, 12" box, then clean 2 16kg immediately and 10 squat to press with the two 16kg; 10 Rows each L/R, 55lb. dumbbell; 25 walking lunges 3x Second Circuit 10 reverse pull-ups off of Smith Machine, feet on 12" box; 12 cleans each L/R, 24 kg; TGU's, tried to go back to 2 32kg each side and then 2 24kg, but lost it on the second both sides. The 70lbs came down over my head slow and in control , but felt the potential for disaster. Changed plan to 4 24kg each side, better; Figure 8 to hold, 24kg, 45 seconds, which was 15. 3x Just shaking at the end; ate one of Miguel's very fine 4.00 breakfast burritos. Felt those calories just get sucked in and the metabolism was stoked all morning. I like windmills. Almost the same as triangle pose in yoga and with the weight up there it just feels good; great long stretch. It is dicey with the back so I usually stick to a light 16kg. Threw up a 20 last week without enough warm-up and immediately felt a pull in the ribs on the left side. Feel a sharp pain even unweighted, so just have to lay off the windmills entirely, which sucks. Felt it on the TGUs but not bad. Afternoon was a good 60 minute Vinyasa class, uncrowded and not too bad after the squats and lunges in the morning thought the single leg stuff was dicey. Shitty day for Rose, no good ball time. Make it up tomorrow . . .

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