Monday, October 12, 2009

Musings - Going Arboreal

"A limb on a tree and an tree in a hole and a hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around"

In 1983 after graduating from Cal I spent ten months in Taos, New Mexico ski bumming.  On powder days I'd get off the lift and had straight into the trees, only to emerge at the bottom; my buddies would laugh and say "T's gone arboreal."

I'd hurt myself badly in there now.  But rocking out on swings today going hand to hand for the last ten at the end felt like swinging through the jungle, feeling giddy like Taos in the trees.  Ok, its a stretch but it felt really good.

Sunday was only three miles in the marsh, too much work and stress and family event in mid afternoon, so no long hike.  Rose was delighted.  Monday office was closed but grinding 9 to 1 and pried myself up for the gym at 2:00,  Went like this:

10 pushup to renegade rows, l/r, 55 down to 45, focus on form and keeping shoulders level, ala mc article here,
12 bulgarian split squats, 16kg locked out overhead on active side
10 cleans, to five press, 24 kg, ok on right side, weak on left, ony managed 3,2,3 on left finish with 16 kg, way light
30 walking lunges bodyweight only

6 windmills, l/r, 24kg
30 swings, 24 kg
TGUs, 32kg l/rx2, 24kg 1/rx2
8 single leg deadlifts l/r, 2 plate cable machine

The cable work at the end had not done for years, good to do something a little off.  Have to start adding more swings, 30 takes sixty seconds now, need to increase cause 24 is feeling lighter and lighter.

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