Monday, April 5, 2010

Site Visits

"Half of the time we're gone and we don't know where and we don't know where . . . "
Paul Simon, Only Living Boy in New York

Living in one place, working out in another and working in still a third has left an urban nomad.  Spend as much time in transition as not and have grown to enjoy it; technology allows it and I get to see some cool shit:
Like a Peregrine falcon over West Oakland, just popping up out of the BART underground
Like Harbor porpoises off the starboard rear quarter of the ferry
Like a Bobcat padding up the unused railroad tracks adjacent to 101
Like Susan S's art piece house finally coming together on Potrero Hill
and finishing the day today with a good workout on a torn up moving blanket with some rusty kettlebells in the middle of one of the finest neighborhoods in one of the best cities in the world, and still having people smile at me.
God I love this town.
Wednesday, three miles in am, GTG, excellent pm yoga
Thursday, four miles, GTG
Friday, three miles am, GTG, then
10+10 alternating 24kg floor press, to 10 push-ups
5+5 single leg squat
3+3, 2+2 body weight neutral grip pull-ups, suck.  Try Will Williams' three rung ladder this week
GTG rock bottom 16kg hold
20 24kg swings
40 sec TRX mountain climbers
20 24kg swings
10 TRX reverse pull-up rows
20 24kg swings
90 min Yoga
Three mile marsh walk in the bone chilling pouring rain, shattered goose eggs making a mockery of Easter on the North levee.  Hanging out with Ian and ecstatic dog; watch Stanford women kick ass.
Site visits all over the City.  Finish at Lyon street steps like this:
5+5x2 push-ups to 20 kg renegade rows
5+5 single leg squats, GTG
double 20kg long push press to 5+5 alternating press
16kg rock bottom hold, GTG
5+5x2 16kg snatches
20 24kg swings
1+1 24kg TGU

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