Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Times . . .

"Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times."


Firm is on a precipice, has been for some time.  Have been able to hold it together with baling wire and bubble gum for two years and tired of it.  In excess of 700k in receivables from dying real estate clients and the fruit keeps getting higher and higher.  Can keep myself busy but can't shoulder the overhead, the dead weight and associated drama.  So what to do:  small, minimal overhead, max client service on terms that make sense for them now.  The hourly rate billed in six minute increments is a disincentive to building the sort of client relationships that make the practice enjoyable.  It needs to be replaced in all non-litigation and all small litigation work with a model that encourages communication and collaboration, which WILL lead to more work as they will see how wonderful you can truly be.  And I need to be able to survive until I can implement it; that's the real trick.

Monday, six miles, 12 minutes 3 plank circuits, 45 sec, 20 sec rest front side side.

Tuesday, three miles am, then pm

20 pushups, to 1-3 clean to press ladder 24kg, to 32 kg military

5+5x2 sls, 25 then 35 lb plates

5+5x2 16kg, 24kg snatches

15 step back lunges, 40lb bar


Then additional 20 pushups to get to 80

20 24kg swingsx10, active rest

1-3, 1+1 12kg bu tgu

4-6, 1+1 24kg tgu

30/30 to finish

Fooling around, sticking 32 kg bu clean on right, still inconsistent with 24 on left.

Wednesday, 60 min yoga, no more.

Thursday, Brigid graduation, nothing.


20 pushups, to 1-3 clean to press ladder 24kg, to 32 kg military

5+5x2 sls, 35 then 45 lb plates

60lb dumbell rows

10 24kg goblet squats


Then additional 20 pushups to get to 80 

30/30 24kg swings, 20 x10.

Saturday, Walk with dog and Ian.

Avett's at Bonnaroo, thanks NPR


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