Sunday, November 8, 2009

Musings - Better

"Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right."
Scarlett Begonias, Robert Hunter

Loved that lyric 30 years ago, now sounds insipid.  But seemed tense and ugly all over the planet last week so retreated to the Grateful Dead play list in gym Thursday and it helped.
Thursday am, ten minutes late for Ericka's 7:00  class, hate it when people come in late, so stuck again on the elliptical for seven miles.  Back in the afternoon, went like this
 15 hindu push-ups
12 front squats, two 16 kgs in rack
20 renegade rows, 35lb dumbells, really focus on keeping shoulders level and no hip rotation, entirely different exercise from whatever I was doing before Ms. Tom straightened me out
eight 1/r single leg deadlifts, 16 kg, again focus on shoulders and hips level and square

10 windmills l/r 16kg
30 swings, 24 kg
3,2,1, TGU ladders l/r, 16kg, again focus on rkc form and staying with it.
Had to cut it short to get home and feed the masses.
Friday, worked from home busy busy, had to go into city for Judge Feng's swearing in at 5:30.  Was going to head into the gym before; but packing up, had not gotten Rose out and she is looking at me lovingly.  Traitor. Ok; scratch the gym, and head to the marsh. Beautiful afternoon.  Come home, and an hour later sitting in Soluna in a suit knocking back a pre ceremony Johnny Walker; three cubes will do it please, yes just like that, thank you.  Feng's swearing in funny as hell, great guy, but too many judges and lawyers in one place.  Flee as soon as acceptable, back to Soluna for one more, a really nice night.  Work up a good head of pity about how I would rather go out in SF, but no where to go.  So head back, where I thought it would just be me and Rose; but Brigid was there.  Put in Two Towers, pity gone, never should have been there in the first place.  Rest of crew comes tumbling in late.  Better.

Saturday, back down the freeway.  Ninety minute trance flow class.  MH commentary about what a weird week it was, everyone seems to agree so it wasn't just me.  Susan cancels meeting and then up to Praxis for session with Ms. Tom.  Not sure what to be most impressed by, the outstanding Stanford education, quiet low key style and observation, or the year of pole dancing on her resume.  Good coaching on everything we went over, need to watch ETK again on the elbow strike and get lats working in snatches.  Back down to downtown, accordian man playing Layla in Civic Center station.  Get down to Equinox, left the fucking keys in Hayes Valley, back up, accordian man now on I am the Walrus.  Once again to Equinox where I am waylaid by Ms. Patel who is also beautiful and smart, and she wants to sell me $300.00 worth of metabolic testing.  Yes, I am sure it would be helpful.  You are right, I probably do overtrain.  No, I don't intend to stop with the kettlebells until they need to be pried from my cold dead fingers.  Pick-up Barry at grandma's and negate all that good work by scarfing four slices of pepperoni and olive washed down with two glasses of chianti.  Barry full of soft smiles and handsome in his new haircut.

This am, take the north levee on the marsh walk.  Amazing the difference a couple of hundred yards can make on an ecosystem; southern levee is all ducks, geese and wading birds.  Northern levee is all about raptors and nervous rodents.  Rose is over-joyed.  Same place, two years ago, shooting pictures of an immature red tail, bird gets nervous and looks up.  Peregrine falcon high up on the same tower.  Red tail takes off and the Peregrine drops like a stone, get the fuck outta my space.  Never would have been there if not for being fit and for the dog.  Grateful for both every day.

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