Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nuclear Pheromones

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery."
Bob Marley, Redemption Song

I got this Starbucks CD, free with a 15.00 purchase.  Four tracks, covers, except for Dave Matthews singing this really stupid song called You and Me Together.  Playing it in the car coming up from Grandma's tonight wanted to rip it it out and throw it out the window, except the last track is a cover of Redemption Song.  Not even a Starbucks special can fuck up Bob Marley.

I don't like large group fitness classes.  At all.  Only time I ever got the group vibe was in May 1981 running the Clam Beach run from Trinidad down along Clam Beach north of Arcata.  In a pack of  few hundred people we dove downhill into a small fern covered canyon where there was a house with a beat up deck with massive speakers on it blasting Lively Up Yourself and sending it resonating all over the canyon.  You could feel the bass coming up the soles of your shoes and the whole pack simultaneously let out a loud cheer and the energy level skyrocketed and powered by caffeine, THC and Marley we stepped it up big time.

That I get.  I don't get fifty people packed into a shoe box sweating together which is what they were doing in Equinox last night at 6 when I walked in.  The place was packed, but I needed to kill four hours before picking up Ian on Fillmore.  Could not get near the kbells for the first circuit, not that anyone was using them.  So, dumbells and barbells, that went like this:
pushups to renegade rows, 35lb, 5+5+5+5
30 walking lunges, body weight
80 lb barbell, squat to press, 10x
30lb single leg deads 6+6. barbell made this very interesting
 second circuit only space is in the center of the gym because they have all these stupid machines in there, so I am a show dog, which I also hate.

16kg windmills, 8+8
32kg swings, 30 seconds, which was 20 per
TGUS 16kg 2+2, 24 kg 2+2
Figure 8 to hold, 24kg, 15.
Third circuit on the swings remembered S. Cheatam's military spouse article and her head position in the photos on the swing.  Her head and neck are completely in line and she is looking down while hiking back.  Modeled that in the mirror a few times (very scary) and then gave it a go, 32 popped up like a cork, I can work with this.  The 16kg feels like nothing.  Some what I think were Janda sit ups and rolling around in the yoga room, steam and stumble out at nearly 9.

On Fillmore looking for raw fish.  No go.  Resist the urge to step into Harry's for a scotch.  Settle for crab cakes and a serviceable Malbec.  Call Ian.  Dir en Grey is done.  Tell him to start walking up Fillmore, I spy him from two blocks away, in a pack of teenage boys, they all look the same except his neon blonde head.  He piles in, had a ball, tales from the periphery of the mosh pit.  He is happy which means his voice goes up an octave and he sounds eight again.  I try to keep him talking.  He explains that he has been jamming with his buddies and they have formed a band, Nuclear Pheromones.  I want to press for the origin, but have to bite my tongue to keep from giggling.

Sleep in and work from home this am.  Catch the 11:10 ferry and head in, aiming for MH's noon class before I have to put on a suit and go spend time with Judge Feng.  Boat is slow and I miss MH noon by five minutes.  Six miles on elliptical.  Up to Feng, where we deal with what we need to; he calls me David on the record, repeatedly.  Been doing this for 20+ years, no judge has ever referred to me by my first name on the record.  Resist the urge to ask if I can call him Sam.  Walk out, opposing counsel tells me he is worried because Feng clearly likes me.  I tell him I could easily lose this case, Feng does like me because I can try a case without being a prick, but that will have no impact on the outcome.  He feels better.  Glad I could help him.

The emails are slowing and get back to gym in time for MH's stiff guy class, where we spend an hour doing hip openers.  By the time we get to double pidgeon I feel young again.  Grandma feeds us, north where the dog is joyful.

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