Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not LikeTexas

“I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong.”
Ann Richards

For anyone reading this (if anyone is reading this) Ann Richards was a class act, smart school teacher who was Governor of Texas before Karl Rove sent her packing and installed George W. Bush as Governor.  We have had some sick Texas folk the last decade and with all due apologies to Lyle Lovett, who I do love, the place is just down right western weird.  Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSJ0RuOeqCI
We lived in Texas from 1962 to 1967; in Dallas when JFK got shot, left when my father (who grew up in New York and had a graduate degree from Columbia) could no longer stand hearing his children grow up with Texas accents, and landed us in the Bay Area in 1967.  We went from Roger Miller ("King of the Road") to the Grateful Dead ("The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion") in about a week and there are pieces of us that are still in Lyle Lovett, Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Jerry Jeff Walker, Robert Earl Keen country.  Weird places breed good songwriters and how the hell could you leave Townes off the list.  Hot dirt makes good art.
San Francisco is not so direct and some of that has to do with geography.  Unlike Texas you can never see your destination from a distance; there are no straight lines to anywhere.  Its like being wrapped in a cocoon surrounded by gentle hills and it is always a relief to return, no matter where you went or why you left.

Spoiled rotten and your medium sized dog too.

Up Market street Monday at 7:05, went like this:
20 cp, alternating l/r 24kg, switch to 10 pushups, good coaching from Sneha when she took off the invisibility cloak the floor trainers seem to wear.  Don't be harsh, she is terrific, particularly good help on left which is decidedly weaker.
30 box squats, body weight.
20 walking overhead press, 16 kg
8+8 single leg deads, 16 kg, in honor of Sara Cheatham's 11/10 blog post, photos from military rag.  http://saracheathamsblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/my-article-in-military-spouse-magazine.html. She might be the healthiest human animal ever, need to show this to Brigid who wants to do ROTC in high school.
8+8 windmills, 16kg
swing, highpull, snatch progression, 16kg 5+5
32 kg swings, 30 seconds
TGU, 2+2 16kg, 2+2 24kg
2x, ran out of time.

Back for 5 miles of hamster work in pm.

Tuesday am, six miles.  Wanted to return for MH stiff guy class in the pm; either hips or hammies, anything is better than shoulders.
Not happening.  Phone was ringing as it was getting dark.  Addenda to draft on no notice.  Receivables to stress about.  You can't be or do whatever you want.  You do what needs to be done.  Pretty much where Jay was coming from.  Three hours each way tomorrow to see Donald in his maximum security shithole.  Suck it up.  Look forward to getting back.

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