Saturday, December 26, 2009


"The time is right to mix sentences
with dirt and the sun
with punctuation and the rain with
verbs, and for worms to pass
through question marks, and the
stars to shine down on budding
nouns, and the dew to form on
Richard Brautigan, Squash

Butternut squash is wonderful.  Not as wonderful as the japanese squash they serve at Kabuto; perfectly cooked and snappy with just the right amount of bitter from the skin.  But roasted butternut with salt pepper, oregano, nutmeg, a touch of cinnamon is pretty wonderful even if you roast it into mash 'cause you were doing swings when the timer went off.  Fuck it, just add more butter.
Rolling out of Vintage Oaks (you know, in honor of all the trees they took down for the parking lot) on Wednesday morning, sneaking out the back after braving Costco, quick longing glance to the right at the marsh, four otters rocketing out of the water and a mature redtail on a low sign six feet off the road.  No camera to record the gift.  Oh well, dogs in the driving rain this afternoon.  Three men, three dogs, one umbrella.  Brrr.
Wednesday, scramble day, afternoon with Susan S., plying me with illicit baked goods, to ct session.  Good swing and press work and good cues for snatches.  Getting comfortable working with ct, smart, patient, and does not talk too much and is a hoot and can help to help myself get better.
Thursday, nothing, save four hours running around Fourth street in San Rafael trying to pull Christmas together.
Friday, presents for the jackals and roasting prime rib for nine.  Fit in quick work in a short window:
200 22kg swings
100 16kg snatches
100 16kg swings, hard and fast
Saturday, thick and sluggish from too much beef and red wine.  Blast from slumber, into sf for:
90 minute flow class
2 miles on elliptical,
One circuit training session
Assisted pull ups, 34 lbs help, five wide grip, three narrow, three neutral, 6 lat flares
2+2x2 24kg TGUs
10+10 woodchoppers, six plate
20 figure 8 to hold, 16kg
Two mile marsh walk, pouring rain, dogs joyful.

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