Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ready For the Sofa


"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's."
Mark Twain

Marsh is Rose's heaven as one can  see above,  and I appreciate the time we get to spend there.
Which on Wednesday was a good ninety minute walk in the bone chilling cold.
Thursday 360 miles driving to Soledad and back meet with Donald and settle his case.  Long day but would not let myself skip so it went like this:
Pushups to renegade rows with 35lb dumbell 5+5+5+5
Single leg squat, down to bench and back 10+10
Squat to over head press, 80lb barbell 10
single leg deads, 30lb barbell, 8+8
10+10x2 16kg snatches
8+8 24kg windmills
Swings, 20 32kg, 20 second rest, 20 24kg
2+2x2 24kg tgus

Friday six miles on idiot elliptical and then some headstands.
Stretching and ab seminars in Sacto with Pavel, and others.  Great day, ab seminar was eye-opener since it was more about breathing and creating focused strength then "ab work."  Lot of RKC types and got pitched quite a bit, take ct's odd negative sell any day of the week.  I do think by employing the breathing techniques taught I am close to pressing the 32.  But I have never cared about PR's, or reaching some insane swing numbers.  I just really want to keep feeling good.  Yes, keep telling yourself that.
Today, back to the marsh for a long walk with Cinco, Bella and Rose.  Spitting light rain, just beautiful.  Thought about kbell session but blocked dishwasher drain needed attention and entire midsection pleasantly sore anyway.  On my knees, half way in the dishwasher, undoing bolts at odd angles.  Functional fitness at work and it was all just fine.  Though ready for the sofa, never quite got there.  Next weekend, though I doubt it.

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