Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Maynard Ferguson

"Guess my feet know where they want me to go,
walking on a country road."
Country Road, James Taylor
Taking marsh walks on the weekends with Cinco.  We have only been friends since 1968 and so are apt to listen the same shit we listened to in middle school.  Since Wolfgang's Vault we can stream stuff like James Taylor live from the Fillmore East in 1971 and Country Road is a sweet little tune from that era.

Then Maynard got a hold of it and just fucking owned it.  His version is dated, all electric piano and brass choral arrangements, and you can almost see the bad hair, but the guy smokes.  Loud, bombastic, generous and brilliant, had not thought about him in a long time.  In the school jazz bands we revered him and listening to this on BART heading into Oakland makes me grin manically and I really don't care who sees it or how nervous they get.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktEiZ9AlDRY
Three mile marsh walk Sunday, four miles on elliptical Monday, fully intended to have an extended blow out Monday night and pick Ian up in the Western Addition at eight, but he calls at four, his buddies had to cut practice short and I have to go collect him and happy to do so, strolling Market St. feeding him and chatting, priceless.
But ready Tuesday to hit it hard and that went like this:
Four miles elliptical in AM
pushups to renegade rows, 24kg, 5+5+5+5
10 24kg Goblet squats
10 clean to five press 24kg, each side, left going really well :)
30 body weight walking lunges

50 snatches, 16kg
5+5 windmills, oly bar
2+2x2 24kg TGUs
50 swings, 24 kg
Then another 50 swings and 50 snatches, just to get to 200 of each.
Gassed, just buzzing on the ferry ride home.  Oh yeah, go Maynard.

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