Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Smart People Talking

"It is impossible to talk or to write without apparently throwing oneself helplessly open."
Herman Melville

Which is why some much prefer to listen or read.
Taking a late boat on Tuesday nights is always a pleasure 'cause can pick up City Arts & Lectures on the way up.  Last night was author Amitav Ghosh, who I have not read but need to.  He was asked a question by a Cal Professor (who delivered a short lecture before she got around to her question >:[) about his characters and post modern influences in Sea of Poppies.  His response was joyous, flitting from chapter forty of Moby Dick, to learning to sail, to falling in love with his characters.  His enthusiasm for his craft and the world was a 15 minute balm that soothed nine hours (seven billable) of grinding on distressed real estate, unpaid and sleazy contractors, ongoing partnership disputes:  talking and writing all day but limiting exposure; all advice qualified, written demands appropriately couched.

Awful night Monday, awake from 3:30 on with Brigid sleepwalking around, and the dog restless; out of Advil PM and back complaining.  Walked into the gym at 7:45, no sleep.  Fuck cardio and went into the yoga room, legs up against the wall and slept for an hour.  No time for any meaningful lunch, final 90 minute conference call starting at 4:30, wrung out, went back to pick up the bag at 6:25, with no intention of working out and fully intending to call it a down day.  But not crowded.  Slammed two bananas, let's give it a go, and after first circuit knew it was the right thing to do:

15 deep slow push-ups, stay really tight and flat
20 box squats, clean 2 16kg, 10 squat to press
20 renegade rows, 24kg
10+10 single leg squats to mid-size box. focus on slow and light touch down rather than depth

10+10x2 16kg snatches, spike hard
6+6 windmills, 24kg
20 spike swings, 16kg, 20 sec rest, 20 24kg swings
10 dolphin to plank, again hard and low.

That kicked my ass, but SO glad to do it.
No raw fish on the way to 8:10 boat, wtf is wrong with downtown.  Home to sink full of dirty dishes, dishwasher full of clean ones.  Sigh.  Snark Snark.  Great workout and good drive.  Residual thickness from T-day gone.

Meetings in the City from 11:30 on, hit gym at 3:45 and spend an hour on elliptical sending sniper emails.  Fell asleep during 15 minute meditation, hour long MH class.  Bliss.  Home to a sink full of dirty dishes, dishwasher full of clean ones.  Sigh, small price for an hour of deep breathing.

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