Wednesday, January 6, 2010

All Good People

"Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life."
Jon Anderson, Seen All Good People

The moss on the rocks on that one stretch of trail on Burdell has got to be three inches thick.  Brigid can't wait to sit on it; her butt wet, nosing around like she is looking for treasure.  The latest career fancy is geologist; I can think of few finer, so so long as she is working for the USGS, stationed near Moab, where she can bike, and I can visit, and its close to Green River where I can camp with the dog and swing kettlebells at sunset on the beach by the BLM campground few seem to know about.   Please don't have her working for whatever large energy company exists in ten years.

Gym is fucking packed.  This is the fourth New Year's since Conversion and never seen anything like it.  Lockers are jammed, showers with a wait.  MH's Wednesday yoga class suddenly full of strangers, no one fessing up to being new, but gasping after five minutes.  He handles it all so coolly; just wanna tell these folks, be weak, its ok, it is what you are, but you can get stronger, its all here for you and your body, that wonderful instrument that is you, will respond.  Check the ego at the door.  Find a guide.  Pay him or her often.  Commit.
Just fucking do it.

But as crowded as the gym is, no more are swinging bells.  They are all lined up at machines, my little corner of the world is pretty much unchanged.
I truly wish them all well.  Hope they figure it out 'cause if it got so crowded I had to bail, I would be just fine with four bells and a yoga mat.  But they won't; the managers tell me: "three weeks, and it all goes back to normal DT."  Which is fine, except they locked these poor saps into 12 month contracts.  Cynical; they sell these people with success stories, and then plan for their failure.
Monday, five miles, no more, bummer.
Tuesday, 7:00 am yoga with the soft-spoken Ericka. Good class but at my age 7:00 yoga is rough.
Evening like this
10+10 24kg chest press, to ten pushups
10 GS and back to squat, 16kg
5+5+5+5 BUP in lunge, 12 kg
15+15 step back lunges, body weight
Windmills, 5+5+5+5, 16kg in up and down hands
10+10+10+10 snatches, 16kg
TGU, 24kg, 2+2+2+2
60 second plank
Wanted to do another 80 snatches to get to 200, and started but gave up after additional 10.  Body talking and decided to listen.
Today, four miles, and MH class.  Both great.
Don't give up but don't get in my way.

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