Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well F**K

"A man should stir himself with poetry
stand firm in ritual
complete himself in music."
Lun Yu, quoted by Gary Snyder in Earth House Hold (1969)

Assuming ritual is even an accurate translation, in 200 BC the word "ritual" was probably referring to something like the primary definition which is "an established form for ceremony."  But "ritual" is also a term used by psychologists to describe behaviors associated with obsessive compulsive disorders and though I'd always loved that teaching and assumed the former definition was what resonated, it would be a fair inquiry as to whether the modern definition is more applicable to the specifics where yours truly is concerned.
Thursday am, intended to circuit train; and did for a fair bit which went like this:
15 Hindu pushups
5 16kg GS and raise to squat
3+3+2 16, 24, 32 presses, each side, 32 being push presses
30 walking lunges
wanted 200 swings, which was going to 10 24kg+10 32kg, the 20 sec rest x 10
C'ept on swing 113 felt a sharp pull in my right rib cage and that was all she wrote.  Ouch, still, two days later.
But, yoga Thursday pm which felt pretty good.
30min on stairmill, 2.5 miles elliptical, nada mas
Today, thee mile marsh walk.
Gonna hurt for a while here.  No bells, body weight only, maybe TRX.
Next time, listen to yourself.  F**k.

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