Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Folk Music and Jackals

"We'll always love you but, that's not the point"
The Roche Sisters, Hammond Song

If you don't know it, check it out here. 
This guy Pattinson, WTF.  Apparently he is one of these young Hunks that junior high school girls swoon about.  'Cept Brigid, who went to the most recent Twilight movie with a pack of eighth grade girls (one of her sporadic attempts at conformance) and came back with the following review:  "that is the stupidest movie I have ever seem; really it was worse that the last three Star Wars movies."  We love that girl, right down to her weird toes.
But apparently Pattinson was in some Indie film and they used Hammond Song someplace in it and as a result, it got a shit load of attention on Itunes.  And it should.  It's a great tune.  Only siblings could get harmony like that going and they should be treasured and ya' gotta believe that it was more than the Hunk that compelled hundreds of thousands of youngsters to seek out the Roche Sisters' genius and pay .99 (or 1.29, I'm confused) for real Art.
Fucking grind of a day.  Hard, complicated, subtle, needle threading situations in uncharted territory; these are troubled times and there is no road map; nothing except gut reactions and faith in them to get us through to the next clear patch, gotta bring it home and the only solace is getting better at it.  Clearly.  For today, anyway.
Monday, five miles in the am, then:
10 TRX crunch to push-ups
10+10 TRX Bulgarian Split squats
5+3 24kg press to 32kg push press
10 16kg bootstrap squats
25 24kg swings
for first 4x, to TRX Y,W,low, 5x each
Second 4x, highwoodchoppers 10 +10
200 swings total.
Three miles, 60 min Yoga, first class in 12 days, fucking clod like in half moon.  MH totally supportive.
Client grind until 6:30.  Comments on Bank President, "David, great meeting, he does not swing kettlebells."  The confluence between fitness obsession and professional life is becoming clearer; I know they feed off each other, still trying to articulate.  The list:
15 TRX push ups, thought a box was hard, these are ass-kicking.
10+10 TRX Bulgarian split squats
5+5 24kg clean to press, 3+3 32kg clean to push press
10 24kg Goblet squats
10+10 16kg windmills
2+2+2+2 24 kg TGUS
15 Y,W, low, TRX pulls
10+10 TRX low to high woodchoppers
8:50 boat, three folk videos:  Tom Rush, No Regrets, gold since 1976.
Guy Clark, Magdalene,
Aforementioned Hammond Song.
Roll in at 9:45.  Kids crowding round, Jackals with cash demands.  This is really good, bonfires and cinders all around.

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