Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Little Engine That Could

"Just don't tell him it's a musical, cause then he might kill us all."
Jed Whedon, Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog, Commentary

Two at home kbell workouts in a row prompts Ian's commentary: "Oh Dad, are you going to be the little engine that could, that's so nice . . . "  What's nice is that by the time they reach almost 17, you can tell them to fuck off.  Lovingly.
Saturday, into SF for first yoga of 2010.  Resolution: do this more often.  Good class, heavy on the upper body, felt really strong.  Then two mile hill hike with Rose and Brigid.  Burdell is stunning right now, but picked five ticks off the dog later.  Sigh.
Then 25 minute swing session before crab at Anne's.  200 20kg swings, five goblet squats to five whatever those things are called when you straighten out and swing back to squat, after each 20 swings.  Good mobility drill.

Today.  90 minute parking lot call took the place of marsh walk, Rose absolutely disgusted.
Later, went like this:
7+8 pushups, one foot up and switch
five goblet squats to five whatever those things are called when you straighten out and swing back to squat, 20 kg
3+5+2 military /push press, 16, 20, 28
20 tactical lunges, 20 kg
Swing/TGU session
10 20kg, 1+1 20kg TGU, 10 28kg, 1+1 20kg TGU
x 8
20 20kg, 20 28 kg, just to get to 200 on the swings.
Yes, little engine that could, fuck you, love ya' always.

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