Sunday, March 21, 2010


"Tension, tension, tension is all that I know . . . "
Todd Snider, Tension
At this show, with Barry and Brigid; Todd looked like shit and it was worrying.  He was spaced to the gills, surrounded by his wife's paintings not giving enough comfort on the road.

Random disconnect: I don't like Uni unless its really really fresh.  When its fresh though it is like the ocean exploding in your mouth, salt water and sweet.  Being on the ocean next to a big bait ball with sea lions barking and birds screaming with humpbacks coming up in the middle of it all and blowing whale snot everywhere is similar.  Salt water sensory overload.  Nice place to be.

Four miles, TRX work, nothing in PM.
Ten TRX crunch to push-ups, then 5+5 one foot up.
10+10 bulgarian split squats
5+5 24kg clean to press, 3+3 32kg push press
12+12 step back lunges with 12lb medicine ball

10 24 kg swings to ten 32kg swings to 5+5 16kg snatches
1+1 24kg TGU
x 10.  Not much rest.  Rest of day buzzing.
PM yoga class.

three miles am.
PM, TRX workout while 5 swings bells in the park.  Buggy but nice.
Noon Yoga.
4:30, CT session.  In the park, beautiful late afternoon.  JM weirdness but quickly forgotten.
Pistols all about tension and CT feeds me a bunch of drills and I am gonna have to bag this idea or be clodlike for a bit here.  Opting for latter.  Odd characters in park.  Enjoyable salad and lemonade with CT.
Into SF for new client meeting, to gym before:
5 dive bomber push-ups
5+5 single leg squats to low box with pad; used to do these a lot, back to it.
leg/chest raise on pull up bar, easier than jungle gym the day before
Rock bottom feet together squats with 16 kg in front, hold tight for ten, the halfway up for five.  Major tension.  Big sweat.
20 24kg swings
1+1 oly bar snatch, windmill, TGU
x 10.
Light on the swings in anticipation of CT fest Sunday.
Dog walk with Ian.
Take him down for D & D, explicit instructions on calling me before 3:30.
Pain in the ass teenager, he goes silent on me, 5 bails and I gotta bail on CT and wait on Ian, who calls at 5:15 ready to be picked up.  Asshole.
Only kid not pissed at is Barry.
Who is a big Todd fan.
Ballad of the Kingsman, HSB, 2009.  We are in blue placard section, just off stage right.  Todd looked much better.
Better.  A little.

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